Ready to migrate to LMDE? What about my apps? Scenario 1: New HD, same OS, same version.

Here is a few pointers to make your life simpler.

Scenario 1: – New hard drive, same OS, same version 

Make a backup of your home directory. 

There are files in use so you need to logout and login with a different user or kill the GUI.

1. Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to start a console session.

Don’t panic, Ctrl+Alt+F7 or 8 or 9 should take you back to a GUI.

2. Now “kill” the GUI session using the console session to ensure all locked files are released.

/etc/init.d/gdm3 stop

3. Now copy your home directory to a backup in this example a USB3 device mounted as usb3disk1. Type in “df” to quickly see the disks.

sudo chown -R user:user /home/user/.
sudo chown -R user:user /home/user/*
cp -a /home/user## /media/usb3disk1/backups/home/user##.bckp

or use Rsync:

rsync -rptDuv -e /home/user##/* /media/usb3disk1/backups/home/user##.bckp 

Get a list of all your applications. 

4. Dump a list of all the installed programs on your old system while still active.

dpkg -l | awk ‘{print $2}’ >

Install a new bigger hard drive.

5. Shutdown and remove the old hard drive.

sudo shutdown -h now

 Keep the old drive safe as experience has taught me.

6. Install the new hard drive.

7. Use gparted to create the partitions as required.

sudo gparted

Can you add a directory? of course not, this is linux, nothing is easy. 🙂

8. You need to give yourself access to the drive first. Start a terminal session and type this:

sudo -i
chown -R username:username /media/mynewdisk/.
chown -R username:username /media/mynewdisk/*

Restore your home directory. 

9. Move (or copy) the backup home directory to the new disk.

mv /media/usb3disk1/backups/home/user##.bckp /home/user##

or use Rsync

rsync -rptDuv -e /media/usb3disk1/backups/home/user##.bckp/* /home/user##

Re-install your applications.

10. re-install all packages. This is the magic!

sudo apt-get install `cat /media/usb3disk1/backups/home/user##/installed_packages.txt`

Did that work? No? Enclose the command in ” ` ” and not in ” ‘ ” 🙂

New bigger hard drive? DONE!

Next in this series: New hard drive, new OS, new version. 

My list of software used in LMDE

My favorite software

Capture software, graphics and sound

Packages used for documenting the install:

sudo apt-get install shutter

Recommended extra packages for shutter: 

sudo apt-get install imagemagick-doc gallery-uploader nautilus-sendto libnet-dropbox-api-perl libimage-exiftool-perl libimage-info-perl libnet-dbus-glib-perl

Nautilus sendto adds the missing compress item.

Sound packages

sudo apt-get install audacity

Recommended extra packages for audacity:

sudo apt-get install libasound2-plugin-equal libgnomeprintui2.2-0

Video editing software

sudo apt-get install kdenlive

Recommended packages for kdenlive: 

sudo apt-get install  libsaxon-java libxslthl-java docbook-xsl-saxon fop xalan  dbtoepub libvdpau1 djvulibre-bin icoutils finger hspell libqca2-plugin-cyrus-sasl libqca2-plugin-gnupg libqca2-plugin-ossl libqt4-declarative-folderlistmodel libqt4-declarative-gestures libqt4-declarative-particles libqt4-declarative-shaders qt4-qmlviewer libqt4-dev libsox-fmt-all phonon-backend-gstreamer djvulibre-desktop fop-doc libterm-readline-gnu-perl libterm-readline-perl-perl libavalon-framework-java-doc libbackport-util-concurrent-java-doc bsh libcommons-io-java-doc libcommons-logging-java-doc libexcalibur-logkit-java libdom4j-java-doc graphicsmagick-dbg libjaxme-java-doc java-virtual-machine libjdom1-java-doc docbook-xsl-doc-html 

Capturing the desktop

Quick and dirty

ffmpeg -f x11grab -s wxga -r 25 -i :0.0 -sameq out.mpg
ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 1920×1080 -r 25 -i :0.0 -sameq out.mpg

Internet browsers and tools

Additional browsers

Opera  — ! Be careful. it removes  mint-flashplugin, mint-meta-codecs.

Managing the system


Webmin for Debian – webmin_1.580_all.deb


sudo apt-get install apt-show-versions libauthen-pam-perl libio-pty-perl

Virtual Software

Virtual Box – virtualbox-4.1_4.1.14-77440~Debian~wheezy_amd64.deb

Chat and Video conferencing  Software


sudo apt-get install skype

New packages needed for Skype:

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk lib32asound2 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6 lib32tinfo5 lib32v4l-0 lib32z1 libc6-i386


Skype Video @#$%%$^^^}}}} arghhhh.

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libv4l/ skype

locate    =     /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libv4l/ WRONG, you need the soft link.

Make it permanent

sudo apt-get install gedit  (All my docs say gedit but Mint use pluma.)
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/skype.desktop

Comment=Skype Internet Telephony
Exec=bash -c “LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libv4l/ skype”


Drop box

sudo apt-get install dropbox

Managing groups

sudo apt-get install gnome-system-tools 

More to follow:

Linux Mint Debian 201204 released!

 A milestone has been reached. LMDE 1 is out. So far everything just works. Superb.

Even avid Ubuntu fanboys will be very impressed with this release. If you are a “power user” of Linux you have no choice. This is the distro for you.

All the goodness of the new kernel and Gnome plus a familiar environment to work in.

LMDE is based on Debian and use the Debian (Ian and Debbie) repositories and Mint repositories directly and not the Ubuntu repositories. That does not mean that you can not use some of the “Ubuntu” based software as Ubuntu is also based on Debian and you will find the original source in Debian. Of course loading Unity ( :0 ) is not straight forward but then you are looking at alternatives for that very reason!

Unity has it’s place and Mark’s team has done amazing work but it’s not for me.

Try LMDE, you may just like it!

The team is proud to announce the release of LMDE 201204.
This release features three of the best Linux desktops available at the moment: The traditional and functional MATE 1.2 desktop, the innovative and beautiful Cinnamon 1.4 and the lightweight and rock-solid Xfce 4.8.
Both the MATE/Cinnamon and Xfce editions use the MDM display manager. MDM will look familiar to many people, as it brings back GDM 2.20 and all its features: Remote login, configuration tools, fast-user switching, theme-ability, language selection…etc.

I decided to do a clean install as my previous LMDE install was ok but not perfect due to some mistakes I made.

Installing it is simple. Download the 64 bit LMDE ISO torrent file from here

Install UNetbootin from here and create a bootable USB. Initially I did not use a persistence file and the install failed as it ran out of disk space on the tmp file system. Weird but I simply redid the USB drive with a persistence file and all was OK. I have not investigated so it may not really be an issue.

Here is the install:

5 minutes later.

If this was Ubuntu I will still be reading adverts about stuff I am not really interested in. If you install LMDE on a blank drive the install takes 10 minutes or less. No extra file are downloaded but both MATE and Cinnamon is available. Ubuntu could do this but people insist on 650MB CD’s even though a 4GB USB drive costs nothing these days. Go figure.  
Oh yes, When last did you see this on a fresh install?

Getting started with LMDE "4" post 3 Virtualbox – Skype – Dropbox – Picasa

Install the good stuff!


Is it possible to live without Virtualbox? No.

LMDE has a recent version in the repository to make things really easy.

libvncserver0 (version will be installed
virtualbox (version 4.1.8-dfsg-2) will be installed
virtualbox-dkms (version 4.1.8-dfsg-2) will be installed
virtualbox-guest-additions (version 4.1.8-1) will be installed
virtualbox-guest-additions-iso (version 4.1.8-1) will be installed
virtualbox-qt (version 4.1.8-dfsg-2) will be installed

I will update to 4.1.12 after a restart.

Uhmmm… Can not. Remove the version installed, download the correct versions and re-install.


Skype is in the repo’s.

Getting Video to work is another story.

I have no idea why Skype still use pre libv4

Find the libv4 file


Run Skype from a terminal

LD_PRELOAD=//usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libv4l/ skype

Check if video is working

sudo apt-get install cheese

Make Skype changes permanant

sudo apt-get install gedit
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/skype.desktop

Install or check the 32bit libs

sudo apt-get install v4l2ctrl
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

My Video does not work in Skype. It is annoying me.

Added the ~.Skype/Logs and no joy yet.


dropbox (version 1.0.1) will be installed
nautilus-dropbox (version 0.7.1-2) will be installed
python-gpgme (version 0.2-2) will be installed

Picasa from Google

picasa (version 3.0.5744-02) will be installed

Some more Snotkop for you to enjoy!

For all of us who has lost a dad.

Getting started with LMDE "4" post 2 – Pulse, Alsa, Nouveau and Nvidia

Sound and Video

Everything is pretty much working now but I have no sound. I am now using a  Gigabyte G41MT-s2PT Motherboard so I guess Intel HD has an issue.

Pulse Audio vs Alsa

aplay -l

**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC889 Analog [ALC889 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: ALC889 Digital [ALC889 Digital]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
rayd@rayd123lmd4 ~ $ aplay -L
Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
PulseAudio Sound Server
HDA Intel, ALC889 Analog
Default Audio Device
HDA Intel, ALC889 Analog
Default Audio Device
HDA Intel, ALC889 Analog

Remove Pulse

The card exists so I guess it is Pulse giving me hassle. Time for Pulse to die! (This is optional – If Pulse works for you then you can leave it alone)

sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio libpulse-browse0 paman pavumeter pavucontrol

This file needs to be removed if you use skype etc.

sudo rm /etc/asound.conf

Add this:

sudo apt-get install libalsaplayer0

Removing Pulse is a hiding for nothing. I had to re-install Pulse after getting this message and pulling my hair out.

The audio device “default” could not be used linux

Activated the Nvidia Driver

Did a dumb thing I think. I have a new Sanyo CG20 that was on special with a second battery and 8GB SD card for RM600 so I did a few test videos and it was jerky with many artifacts. It was 1920 x 1080 at 60fps. I immediately (prematurely) blamed the Nouveau drivers and installed the Nvidia drivers. Up to that point the Nouveau drivers seemed pretty good.

sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-dkms nvidia-glx build-essential nvidia-settings nvidia-xconfig
sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings
sudo nvidia-xconfig

Hmmmm, OK for a while there I had a very unstable machine. Whenever I played a video Cinnamon would crash. I could sign in to MATE and if I removed  ~/home/rayd/.local/share/recently-used.xbel I could restart Cinnamon till the next time I started a video. Loop.

I have no idea how I fixed it but what I did was re-install VLC, totem and gstreamer.

All seems ok now.

Snotkop is bopping on the second monitor and Asla is rocking the room. I can do with castle now and some biltong.

Getting started with LMDE "4" post 1 XFCE, Shutter, New install

The latest version is out there. It is a Release Client (RC) version but that is good enough.

I started by downloading LMDE via Bit Torrent and then used unetbootin to create a bootable installation. I replaced a test version of LMDE on a standby machine.

Here is my journey with LMDE for today.

1. Use the awesome Cinnamon Desktop.

You can use this on Ubuntu and other distro’s as well.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:merlwiz79/cinnamon-ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cinnamon cinnamon-session cinnamon-settings
Optional – sudo /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults -s cinnamon

Removing and re-installing the Ubuntu top bar

sudo apt-get remove appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-gtk appmenu-qt
sudo apt-get install appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-gtk appmenu-qt

2. Installed XFCE just in case and tested the desktop.

3. Made sure MATE was working as a desktop.

4. Configured the Video displays using the Gallium 0.4 NVC1 drivers. So far it works well so need need for NVidea drivers, yet. That may change.

5. Installed Shutter so I can add screen snapshots to this page.

 I opted for ext4 and not ext4dev cause I am a chicken!

6. I need to connect to my network and although SAMBA is installed and I can see the target machines and they can see me I can not seem to share a directory.

The easy option is to install the latest webmin to see what is going on.

Webmin for Debian

7. Run webmin – https://localhost:10000/

Create a share in my home directory so I can copy my previous desktop files.

Does this work? Lets check. All ok.
Actually I messed up. The username on this system was rayd123 instead of rayd. Webmin made this incredibly easy to change.

8. Now the big one. Start a new profile and reinstall or copy my old profile (Mint Lisa) or selectively copy?

Selective copy it is then. Now the question is from where to where?


9. Copied the Mozilla, Chromium and other directories.

10. Install some software:

  • Audacity
  • Opera
  • Kdenlive

Tomorrow is another day. More later.

LMDE Adventure – Update Pack 3

I have 2-step verification on all my Google accounts. So, when I sign on to a new machine and want to add content to blogger I have to get my Blackberry and get a verification code.  Painful? Yes but I know my accounts are secured from “mugged in London” attacks.

My advice to anyone not using 2-step verification is JFDI. (Just fkken do it)

As part of my testing for LMDE, which by the way is going rather well, I want install all the latest and greatest updates to see if it all hangs together. I tried to install Kernel 3.3.x this morning but the header is marked as bad. I usually use KernelCheck for a custom kernel but it has not bee updated so does not know about 3.x.x yet. Pity.

I then used Update Manager to update all files and all worked OK. One of the features of LMDE is a rolling release using Update packs. The latest is Version 3 and that is being installed as I type. To ensure you are on the latest versions update sources and do an update.

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list &

Here is my current sources.list

deb debian main upstream import backport
deb testing main contrib non-free
deb testing/updates main contrib non-free
deb testing main non-free

# deb experimental main
# deb-src experimental main

# deb lenny contrib non-free 

1328 files are coming down and several packages have been removed. The restart will be very interesting.

Here are the references:


Adding MATE –

LMDE, intel, nvidia and compiz tips –


First thoughts of LMDE.

It is fast, very fast. It is compatible with all I have so far. When my mouse goes to the top left corner, on purpose or by accident my windows are not tiled. I have a status bar.

There are two major things I have noticed on 64bit.

1. USB 3.0 transfers at 85MB per second. This does not work properly in Mint 12 or Ubuntu.

2. I attached my USB 3.0 backup device with 2 partitions. 1 open and one LUKS encrypted.

LMDE simply asked for the password and I could access the drive. The crypt libraries are installed at run time. Great.

I have now tested Virtual box running Mac Lion and Windows 7 64 bit and all is well so far.

There are a few more critical apps to test such as Skype but I am feeling more comfortable with jumping now.

After testing I will reinstall using a two form factor encryption routine. You will not be able to start my workstation without a USB key with the correct encryption file obfuscated in some MP3’s. I am also considering creating a working Ubuntu system as a decoy.

I have been doing a few PEN tests and other network security tests and in my company I can easily jump to the X-Force team so understanding security and encryption is important to me.

My work system is a Thinkpad W510 with 16GB of memory and 8 cores. It runs 32 bit Ubuntu 11.04 and it is awesome. It has crashed before but so few times that it is insignificant. I can run 3 Domino servers as partitions, the Notes client, 30 tabs in Chromium, 20 in Firefox, 10 to 2 open documents in Libre, a few open in Symphony, some PDF’s, yEd, Virtualbox with Windows 7, Mac Lion, Backtrack and Windows Server 2008 Sp2 concurrently and my CPU ticks over. Superb stuff.

Mark may be pushing Ubuntu and Unity into the consumer market by “simplifying” it but the real users of Linux need the complexity but flexibility of Linux to do real work. I think LMDE is the answer. My opinion only of course.