Seriously? – Cancer Treatment – Onion Juice Therapy for Cancer Treatment

Cancer Treatment – Onion Juice Therapy for Cancer Treatment:

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A Simple Cure for Cancer
 – Right Under Your Nose!   
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Onion Juice!

Yes, onion juice!The information offered here is offered for free. This site is now receiving thousands of hits a day – the word is really getting out about the benefits of Onion Juice and we are happy to say we were one of the first to bring people’s attention to this important topic!  We are not interested in profiting from this information, we are only interested in getting the facts out, educating people, and providing a safe and effective cancer treatment and preventative therapy to counter the many “soft kill” agents that we are intentionally being exposed to each and every day. The root cause of most cancers.  
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If you have any doubts about onions curing cancer read the research done by Rui Hai Liu, M.D., Ph.D., a chemist with Cornell’s Department of Food Science in Ithaca, N.Y. The full press release is here.

If that does not convince you then review the information provided by WebMD or the articles at Prevention Magazine or the program at CBS News.

“Researcher Carlotta Galeone, of the Istituto di Ricerche Farmocologiche “Mario Negri” in Milan, and colleagues say the health benefits of onion and garlic have been touted for centuries, but few studies have been able to prove the benefits.”

If you still have any doubts about the power of onions read;Onion juice triples testosterone levels
Onions are Beneficial for Your Health
Onion and garlic use and human cancer
Raw onion fights hypertension, prevents breast cancer
Strong-flavored onions show promise for fighting cancer Powerful antioxidants in onions and garlic may offer protection 

According to some nutritionists the active compounds in onions are: volatile oil, flavonoids, sterols, phenolic acids, and alliin.

It is very clear, onions fight cancer. But what people are not telling you is how best to use onions to fight cancer.

Onion Juice Therapy or Treatment is by far the most effective and inexpensive method for fighting cancer. It has been used for decades, if not centuries for the treatment of many conditions including cancer, hypertension, and even hair loss. Very little data has been gathered in the form of scientific evidence, which is why our work here is so important. We need to start documenting the benefits of onion juice therapy. Please share your stories with us here. Better yet, upload a video testimony that records your taking the onion juice for the first time and then shows the progression of you treatment over forty days. Then send us a link to your video so we can share it with others.

Do not wait until you are diagnosed with cancer. Onion Juice Therapy is best performed as a preventative treatment to keep you from developing cancer in the first place. It is so easy and so cheap, everyone over thirty should be doing it once every two or three years. 
The most important factor in effective onion juice therapy is obtaining the right onions for treatment. 

Not all onions have the medicinal quality to healHybrid onions, like many brands sold at national food stores, arerelatively useless in the treatment of illness. They are raised to be sweet! The “make them big and make them beautiful”mind-set has caused much of the holistic medicinal benefits of store bought produce to be lost.  Always buy the strongest, most pungent, organic onions grown, and as close to where you live as possible. Our bodies acclimate to our environments and the highest medicinal benefit comes from natural products, grown, raised or produced in your local area. Thus, local natural or organic honey, onions, even meat, are best for our health.InstructionsOnce again, you must find organically grown pungent onionspreferably grown in the same soil where you live and spend the majority of your time. The common reddish brown pungent “yellow” variety is best. In the Northeast the New York Bold variety is best. Be careful, sweet onions can look much like the more pungent brands. Also, “organic” does not mean they have been grown to maximize their medicinal qualities. Most organic farmers are, like their non-organic counterparts, focused on appearance and size.  Hey, it’s what sells! Many books could be written on how to grow medicinal food products. It is a new (really old) area that deserves much attention. The process of producing medicinal food begins when the seeds are planted or the animals are paired for mating. Everything should begin with “In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful” or in the heavenly language, Bis Mi Lah Ir Rahman, Nir Raheem. So much power coming from this short phrase. Try saying this before stating your Onion Juice Therapy, it will bring so much protection and health. We cannot emphasize the importance and benefit of this, but people are fre to do as they feel best.

Ideally, you want to purchase or borrow a juicer. If you do not have the money for a juicer, it is possible to juice an onion with a small plastic hand juicer, such that is used for juicing oranges by hand. It’s really nice to find someone willing to prepare the onion juice for you in the morning so all you have to do is drink the juice.

One medium size onion is normally sufficient to fill a Turkish tea glass or shot glass – full of onion juice (1/2 to 3/4 a cup). 

Each morning before eating or drinking anything else drink a full Turkish glass of onion juice. It is normal to burn a little when going down and it will also tend to upset your stomach for several minutes. The worse your reaction, the more you need the treatment – so be strong in your conviction to continue.

It sure beats Chemotherapy.

If you find it impossible to keep the onion juice down try placing a small amount ofnatural unprocessed honey in a shot glass of warm water. Drink half before taking the onion juice and half after. This should ease the difficulty and help keep the onion juice down. If at all possible do not resort to this method — Drink it straight.If that does not work, try mixing fresh organic apple juice with the onion juice. You will still need to drink the same volume of onion juice but a fifty fifty mixture of apple juice really helps it go down easy. There are no studies indicating that straight onion juice is better than mixing it with honey or apple juice, but logic would dictate that the more concentrated the juice, the better the treatment. Many people will not be able to handle straight onion juice, so these alternatives are offered to help you get the benefits without as much suffering. 
Nothing to eat or drink for one hour afterwards!  Nothing!

Repeat this treatment for at least forty days, longer if necessary.

Before you begin, ask yourself where all cures come from then dedicate the treatment to your answer. If you get the answer right you earn extra points and gain more healing benefits.

Hint: The Creator of all Things.  All cures are from Him alone!

Make sure to let us know how it worked out for you. Share your experiences with others.

Additional Tips to Stay Cancer Free
Eat Organic, Eat Raw, Eat Healthy! 

Stay on a very healthy diet – eating as close to nature as possible. Spend the extra money for organic foods and stay away from all processed foods. Forget about fast foods and take the time to cook or eat raw organic foods. Once you educated yourself, you will not believe what they intentionally put in our food, water and air.Educate Yourself and Your Family! 

Read this very important article, Where Cancer Comes From for more information on how your food air and water are killing you.Buy a High Quality Water Filter

There are several water filters on the market that greatly reduce the hazards in your drinking water. Sixty percent of all public water systems add sodium fluoride (not to be confused with naturally occurring calcium fluoride), a hazardous poison or chemical known to cause cancer, sterility and many other harmful health conditions. We offer only products we use ourselves to help keep us independent and able to do this work. If you would like, you can order your water filter from us here, but whatever you do make sure to get a good filter. Most store bought filters will not remove sodium fluoride and other water soluble toxins. While costly, you may want to consider getting a filter to serve your entire home. Otherwise, in addition to a drinking water filter, you will need a high quality filter for the shower and bath, as many toxins are absorbed while bathing.FastingThe medical benefits of fasting are well documented and can have a profound impact on your overall health. One of the primary benefits of fasting comes from permitting your body to focus all of it’s energy on curing itself rather than converting food back into energy and waste. With you body free from having to expend it’s energy on converting large amounts of food back into energy and waste, your body has time to heal itself. It is such a simple and logical procedure to cure you of so many diseases. It also works to rid your body of the years of toxins that have built up in your system.  While there a number of fad fasting alternatives available, such as juice fasting or water fasting, and these methods likely provide much benefit, we strongly recommend the “Islamic” method of fasting. You do not have to be Muslim to recognize and benefit fro this type of fasting. It is the least harsh and most effective means of fasting, and should be done routinely. Harsh versions of fasting make it very difficult to keep up the routine.

The Islamic fast is very simple. One restricts all intake of food and water from approximately one hour before sunrise to just after sunset. What most Muslims do not adhere to, thus keeping them from receiving the maximum benefits from fasting, and something you should definitely observe, is to eat only what your body absolutely needs while fasting. Your body needs very little to survive. The less you eat, the more energy can be directed towards curing and detoxing your body. So eat small amounts in the morning and evening, and only eat fresh, organic, non-processed foods.We would not recommend combining the onion juice therapy with fasting. 

Everyone should fast for forty days each year, and if possible you should try to fast every Monday and Thursday for optimal health. It really is not as difficult as you might think, especially in the shorter winter months. The benefits are amazing, and if done properly, you will never see another doctor as long as you live.

A word to the wise, real fasting also involves a control on your base desires. Fasting from material pleasures and desires, and carries much physical, mental and spiritual benefits. If you wish optimal mental and spiritual health, you will attempt to fast from material pleasures, limiting your base desires and abstaining from sexual thoughts and actions. Which leads us to our next important recommendation.MeditationThe physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits of meditation are well documented through many scientific studies. While science can not confirm the benefits of spiritual advancement, the physical and mental benefits are clear. We would strongly urge people to exercise their spiritual being through some form of meditation. While many forms of meditation are offered and people are free to choice which one suits them best, our highest recommendation would be to investigate the Sufi method. While opportunists exist at all levels, including the one we are recommending, the sincere seeker will always find their way past the opportunists to a true one. We are happy to jump start your process by offering our journeys end at  No matter if you are taking our recommendation or not, find something that works for you and practice it on a regular basis. If unhappy with the results, try something new until you find something that works.

40 Days of Onion Juice Therapy – For Everyone!

We highly recommend folks, especially over thirty, to begin forty days (40) of onion juice therapy as a preventative measure. Given the toxic environments most of us live and work in, the time to fight cancer is before you actually develop cancer. One course every few years is a very good idea. Once a year would not hurt.

Why take a chance?

Visit: Join The Onion Juice Therapy Discussion Groups – Google or Yahoo
Please make certain to review “Understanding Charity and Healing to know why these Broken Earth Programs are offered without monetary consideration and as a trust to mankind. 


Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses. The information provided on the Broken Earth website is not intended to be medical advice, it is only intended for educational purposes.

Cakra Recipes: Perfect during a cleanse! « Bee Birch

Cakra Recipes: Perfect during a cleanse! « Bee Birch:

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Not sure about this but if it leads to enlightenment then I will try it!

If learning more about the cakra-s interests you, scroll through my blog for detailed explanations, practices, and food choices that resonate with each energy centre of the energetic body. For those of you wanting a quick reference, I’ve put all the recipes for the lower four cakras in one place! See below…
JUICE: Try juicing red apples, beets, ginger (the beets will keep the red colour even if you add some greens and lemon to support the liver)
RED SMOOTHIE: Blend some greens (spinach, kale…) with water. Add half a banana, a large handful of raspberries or strawberries and a scoop of protein powder. Ground some flaxseeds to support the large intestine.
2 ½ cups grated carrots
1 ½ cups grated beets
2/3 cup crumbled feta (or crumbled firm tofu)
½ tsp sea salt
1 ½ tsp dill weed
2 Tbsp wine vinegar or lemon juice
1 Tbsp flax oil
1 Tbsp olive oil
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and toss. May be prepared up to 1 hour before serving.
(Enlightened Eating)
RED QUINOA SALAD (variations on this salad are a staple at my house!):
2 cups cooked red quinoa (regular quinoa is fine too…), cooled
1 red pepper, diced
4 radishes, chopped
2 tomatoes, diced
red onion, chopped (to taste)
Sprinkle with sesame oil and Bragg liquid soy (or tamari)
Add feta or goat cheese, fresh herbs, and any other veggies you like (roasted sweet potatoes and beets are delicious!)
JUICE: Try my very favourite juice! Juice apples, carrots, ginger and lemon. It’s hard not to connect with pleasure when you sip this!
ORANGE SMOOTHIE: Blend orange juice, plain yogurt, half a banana, a large handful of cantaloupe and a scoop of protein powder. Ground some flaxseeds to add essential fatty acids.
ORANGE SOUPS: Try the Thai Sweet Potato Soup or Curried Apple Squash Soup on my blog.
YAM PECAN BAKE (sweet and orange…perfect!):
5 medium yams
15 oz can of lite coconut milk
¼ cup agave nectar (replace with maple syrup if you are avoiding agave)
¼ cup pecans, chopped
¼ cup unsweetened, shredded coconut
½ tsp cinnamon
dash of nutmeg
Bake yams in oven for 1 hour at 350°F or until soft. Peel skin off and put yams into large bowl. Break into small pieces using a fork. Pour coconut milk onto yams, stirring and mashing the mixture to make it smooth. Add agave nectar, pecans, shredded coconut and mix well. Pour into medium-sized casserole dish to serve. Top with pecans and shredded coconut. Serve either warm or cold. (Serves 4)
~Chakra Foods for Optimum Health
JUICE: I just played around and tried to come up with a delicious yellow juice…I tried juicing an apple, a lemon, 12 pineapple spears (or so), and a generous chunk of ginger. To curb the impact of the fruit sugar on my bloodstream, I sprinkled it with cinnamon. Yummy!
GHEE: In the Ayurvedic system of health, ghee (clarified butter) is used extensively. You couldn’t consume anything that would be a more stunning shade of yellow…and it supports digestion too!
1 lb organic butter
  1. Heat butter over low/medium heat so that it doesn’t burn.
  2. When it has all melted, begin to skim off all the white milk solids that float to the top.
  3. Keep heating the butter until it starts to sizzle (not boil)…this means that all the water has evaporated. Let cool.
  4. Store ghee in a wide-mouthed glass jar for easy access!
~With gratitude to Caroline Dupont
JUICE: This is your chance to experiment with leafy greens! There is really nothing better for all the cells of our body. The chlorophyll in greens cools our cells and protects them from “invaders” because of the high antioxidant content. For taste, start with a base of lemon, apple, ginger, cucumber and then add a few stalks of kale, collard greens, or romaine lettuce…Celery is also a wonderful cleanser. Doing a daily shot of wheatgrass is beneficial for some people as it builds blood and deeply nourishes the cells of the body.
GREEN SMOOTHIE: The possibilities are endless…this is an example!
1 cup water
1 large handful of fresh greens (kale, spinach…)
½ banana
1 handful of frozen berries
heaping tablespoon of ground flaxseed
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp cinnamon
scoop of good quality protein powder
1 TBSP unsweetened coconut
1 TBSP raw, organic cocoa powder
Olive oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
Sea salt
Freshly ground pepper
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 large potato, peeled and chopped (I use sweet potato…more colourful!)
1 litre vegetable stock
1 head of broccoli, about 300g, roughly chopped
200g feta cheese
4 tbsp toasted walnuts, plus more to garnish, if you wish
1. In a large pot over medium heat, add a splash of olive oil. Tumble in the onion and garlic, with a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook until tender.
2. Add the potato to the onion mix. Pour in half the stock. Simmer until the potato is tender, 10-15mins.
3. Add the remaining stock. Let it warm through. Add in the broccoli. Cook for 3-4 minutes until just tender but still bright green.
4. Add half the feta and the walnuts and then blend. Taste. Add salt and pepper, adjust seasoning, as needed.
Lovely hot or cold. Delicious with little cubes of feta and walnuts scattered on top.
1 bag fresh organic spinach, washed
1 bunch dinosaur kale, washed, chopped
1 green onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
1 tsp sesame seeds
1 TBSP sesame oil
In a covered saucepan, cook spinach and kale on medium heat until wilted but still bright green. While greens are cooking, use separate pan to stir-fry green onion, garlic, and sesame seeds in sesame oil until seeds are slightly browned. Add to drained, cooked greens. Mix well and serve either hot or chilled.
~Chakra Foods for Optimum Health
DESSERT:  Try the Green Goddess Bars on my blog (if you are cleansing, just leave off the chocolate)

The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason not to Fear Bacon

The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason not to Fear Bacon:

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Hmmmmm, bacon

The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason Not To Fear Bacon

Beyond just being loaded with “artery-clogging saturated fat” and sodium, bacon has been long considered unhealthy due to the use of nitrates and nitrites in the curing process. Many conventional doctors, and well-meaning friends and relatives, will say you’re basically asking for a heart attack orcancer by eating the food many Paleo enthusiasts lovingly refer to as “meat candy”.
The belief that nitrates and nitrates cause serious health problems has been entrenched in popular consciousness and media. Watch this video clip to see Steven Colbert explain how the coming bacon shortage will prolong our lives thanks to reduced nitrates in our diets.
In fact, the study that originally connected nitrates with cancer risk and caused the scare in the first place has since been discredited after being subjected to a peer review. There have been major reviews of the scientific literature that found no link between nitrates or nitrites and human cancers, or even evidence to suggest that they may be carcinogenic. Further, recent research suggests that nitrates and nitrites may not only be harmless, they may be beneficial, especially for immunity and heart health. Confused yet? Let’s explore this issue further.
Find out why you shouldn’t be concerned about nitrates & nitrites in bacon. Tweet This
It may surprise you to learn that the vast majority of nitrate/nitrite exposure comes not from food, but from endogenous sources within the body. (1) In fact, nitrites are produced by your own body in greater amounts than can be obtained from food, and salivary nitrite accounts for 70-90% of our total nitrite exposure. In other words, your spit contains far more nitrites than anything you could ever eat.
When it comes to food, vegetables are the primary source of nitrites. On average, about 93% of nitrites we get from food come from vegetables. It may shock you to learn that one serving of arugula, two servings of butter lettuce, and four servings of celery or beets all have more nitrite than 467 hot dogs. (2) And your own saliva has more nitrites than all of them! So before you eliminate cured meats from your diet, you might want to address your celery intake. And try not to swallow so frequently.
All humor aside, there’s no reason to fear nitrites in your food, or saliva. Recent evidence suggests that nitrites are beneficial for immune and cardiovascular function; they are being studied as a potential treatment for hypertension, heart attacks, sickle cell and circulatory disorders. Even if nitrites were harmful, cured meats are not a significant source, as the USDA only allows 120 parts per million in hot dogs and bacon. Also, during the curing process, most of the nitrite forms nitric oxide, which binds to iron and gives hot dogs and bacon their characteristic pink color. Afterwards, the amount of nitrite left is only about 10 parts per million.
And if you think you can avoid nitrates and nitrites by eating so-called “nitrite- and nitrate-free” hot dogs and bacon, don’t be fooled. These products use “natural” sources of the same chemical like celery and beet juice and sea salt, and are no more free from nitrates and nitrites than standard cured meats. In fact, they may even contain more nitrates and nitrites when cured using “natural” preservatives.
It’s important to understand that neither nitrate nor nitrite accumulate in body. Ingested nitrate from food is converted into nitrite when it contacts our saliva, and of the nitrate we eat, 25% is converted into salivary nitrite, 20% converted into nitrite, and the rest is excreted in the urine within 5 hours of ingestion. (3) Any nitrate that is absorbed has a very short half-life, disappearing from our blood in under five minutes. (4) Some nitrite in our stomach reacts with gastric contents, forming nitric oxide which may have many beneficial effects. (56) You can listen to my podcast “Does Red Meat Increase Your Risk of Death?” for more information on this topic.
In general, the bulk of the science suggests that nitrates and nitrites are not problematic and may even be beneficial to health. Critical reviews of the original evidence suggesting that nitrates/nitrites are carcinogenic reveals that in the absence of co-administration of a carcinogenic nitrosamine precursor, there is no evidence for carcinogenesis. (7) Newly published prospective studies show no association between estimated intake of nitrite and nitrite in the diet and stomach cancer. (8) Nitric oxide, formed by nitrite, has been shown to have vasodilator properties and may modulate platelet function in the human body, improving blood pressure and reducing heart attack risk. (91011) Nitrates may also help boost the immune system and protect against pathogenic bacteria (121314)
So what do we take from this? There’s no reason to fear nitrates and nitrites in food. No reason to buy nitrate-free, uncured bacon. No reason to strictly avoid cured meats, particularly those from high quality sources (though it may make sense to limit consumption of them for other reasons). In fact, because of concerns abouttrichinosis from pork, it makes a lot more sense in my opinion to buy cured bacon and other pork products. I do.

Unhealthiest Foods For Your Body – Don’t Eat These

Unhealthiest Foods For Your Body – Don’t Eat These:

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This article is not very good.

What Not To Eat: 15 Unhealthiest Foods On The Planet

We all think we know which foods are healthy and which we should avoid, but do we really know why?  Besides the high fat content and low nutritional value, the world’s unhealthiest foods have some pretty dark secrets. Once you get the low down on the real reasons they’re a lousy choice for your health, you’ll think twice before reaching for that afternoon snack.
Here’s a list of our top nutritional nightmares.
unhealthiest foods

The Unhealthiest Foods

1. Artificial sweeteners
Zero calories yes, zero detrimental effects on your health? Far from it. Hidden in a huge range of products, there’s an increasing catalogue of data to suggest these chemicals are seriously harmful to health. To date the FDA has received over 10,000 complaints in relation to side effects from aspartame consumptionalone.
2. Soda and diet soda
When it comes to sugar laden carbonated drinks versus sweetened diet sodas, there’s little difference in terms of the damage they do to your health. Zero calorie drinks increase your chances of developing metabolic syndrome, and studies show that both can increase your chances of going on to develop type II diabetes.
3. Candy
Candy bars contain large amounts of refined white sugar. Weight gain, tooth decay, and a depressed immune system aren’t your only worries, it’s also highly addictive. People who cut sugar from their diet experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as mood swings, headaches and depression.
4. Fried foods
Everybody knows that deep fat fried foods increase your amount of LDL or “bad cholesterol” which can ultimately lead to heart disease. But did you know that starch rich food cooked at high temperatures (for example French fries) createscarcinogenic compounds like acrylamide, which is also found in plastics and cigarette smoke? Nice.
5. Hydrogenated fats
Don’t be deceivedby “healthy, low fat” spreads. After undergoing a lengthy manufacturing process, what was once a natural product (sunflower, olive oil etc) becomes nothing more than a poison more closely resembling plastic than food.
Hydrogenated fats increase the viscosity of your blood forcing your heart to work harder, making them one of the worse foods for raising blood pressure.
6. Processed meats
The World Cancer Research Fund reviewed more than 7000 studies into the links between diet
and cancer and found that processed deli meats like ham, bacon, hot dogs and salami were some of the worst offenders.  They’re often manufactured withsodium nitrate, a cancer causing nitrosamine.
7. Processed cheese
Processed cheese is an artificial food with little to no nutritional value. In addition to the high levels of salt and fat, it also contains emulsifiers liketrisodium phosphate, (commonly used as a degreasing agent.)
8. Cow’s milk
When you drink a glass of milk, you may be consuming more added extras than you bargained for. Non organic livestock are routinely administered antibiotics and growth hormones, traces of which are regularly found in milk. But that isn’t the worst of it.
Due to the sheer volume of milk each animal is expected to produce, many go on to develop udder infections. This means that pus leaches into the milk. In tests, one liter of Californian milk was shown to contain 298 million pus cells.
9. Commercially baked goods
High in calories and fat, commercially baked pastries and donuts may taste delicious but they won’t do your waistline any favors.
Most baked goods are made with refined flour which not only has the majority of the nutrients removed, but what’s left has been treated with harsh, toxic chemicals that may make it look all nice, white and fluffy, but won’t be any good for your health.
10. Movie theater popcorn
Let’s get real, buy a bucket of popcorn at the movie theater and you’ll eat the whole thing (a handful is never enough!) When you realize that just one small bucket contains three times the amount of saturated fat as a Pizza Hut Personal Pan Pepperoni Pizza, it no longer looks like such an appealing option.
11. Commercial cereal
Most commercial, boxed cereals contain extortionately high levels of sugar and corn syrup and are far from the healthy start to your day the big food companies would have us believe.
Many are manufactured using a process known as extrusion, which involves heating the ingredients to extremely high temperatures. Extrusion destroys any essential amino acids and alters the natural structure of the grain rendering it highly toxic.
12. Junk food
Junk food is bad on all counts. High in salt, saturated fats and empty calories, it tops the list of the world’s unhealthiest foods.
Containing everything from genetically modified ingredients,
meat from non organic commercially reared animals, and refined, white flour (and then cooked at high temperatures,) if you’ve been paying close attention, we need say no more.
13. Farmed salmon
We’re not disputing the fact that responsibly caught fish is good for you, but when it comes to farmed produce, it most definitely pays to go organic. Studies found highly toxic contaminants in farmed salmon that if consumed regularly could pose a serious risk to health. These included banned pesticides like toxaphene and dieldrin, both of which are thought to be carcinogenic.
14. Low fat food
When you see “low fat” think “high sugar”. Be sure to read the label carefully. Pre-packed diet foods, proclaiming to be low in fat are often nutritionally far worse than their full fat counterparts. Containing everything from MSG, to fillers like methyl cellulose, they’ll give you the illusion of fullness, only to have you reaching for a second helping half an hour later.
15. Soy products
You’re mistaken if you think that soy is only for health junkies. Up to 60% of all supermarket products contain it in one form or another. As it’s mostly sourced from genetically modified crops, it’s a cheap filler for bulking out food, but it’s so heavily processed it bears no resemblance whatsoever to what we think of as the health food staple so highly revered in the East.
Fermented soy like miso and tamari have been eaten here for centuries, without having a negative impact on health. But the further away from its natural state a food is, the more we run into problems. The fact that there’s still no hard evidence that GM crops are safe, and yet we’re eating this stuff in such huge amounts is reason enough to be concerned.
*Want to learn more? Sign up for our FREE newsletter and we’ll email you our best tips on health, happiness and success each week. Plus, you’ll get a free eBook too! Sign up here.


It’s fair to say that most of us could have second guessed the majority of foods on this “world’s unhealthiest foods” list, but not the reasons why they’re so bad for us. When it comes to our health, nature really does have our best interests at heart. Stick to consuming the bounty that Mother Nature provides, and good health will inevitably follow.
sarah murphy
Sarah Murphy trained at the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London, England, where she specialized in Western Herbal Medicine and Ayurveda. She writes widely about natural health, and is passionate about empowering people to take better care of their own well-being.

45 Uses For Lemons That Will Blow Your Socks Off | The Mind Unleashed

45 Uses For Lemons That Will Blow Your Socks Off | The Mind Unleashed:

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45 Uses For Lemons That Will Blow Your Socks Off

on 4 April, 2014 at 06:43
Most people are familiar with the traditional uses for lemons to soothe sore throats and add some citrus flavor to our foods. However the diversity of applications for lemons far exceeds general knowledge and once you read the following list, you’ll likely want to stock at least a few lemons in your kitchen 24-7. 

1. Freshen the FridgeRemove refrigerator odors with ease. Dab lemon juice on a cotton ball or sponge and leave it in the fridge for several hours. Make sure to toss out any malodorous items that might be causing the bad smell.
2. High Blood Pressure
Lemon contains potassium which controls high blood pressure and reduces the effect of nausea and dizziness.
3. Prevent Cauliflower From Turning Brown
Cauliflower tend to turn brown with even the slightest cooking. You can make sure the white vegetables stay white by squeezing a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice on them before heating.
4. Mental Health
Lemon water can also prep up your mood and relieve you from depression and stress. Long distance walkers and world travelers as well as explorers look upon the lemon as a Godsend. When fatigue begins, a lemon is sucked through a hole in the top. Quick acting medicine it is, giving almost unbelievable refreshments.
5. Refresh Cutting Boards
No wonder your kitchen cutting board smells! After all, you use it to chop onions, crush garlic, and prepare fish. To get rid of the smell and help sanitize the cutting board, rub it all over with the cut side of half a lemon or wash it in undiluted juice straight from the bottle.
6. Respiratory Problems
Lemon water can reduce phlegm; and can also help you breathe properly and aids a person suffering with asthma.
7. Treating Arthritis and Rheumatism
Lemon is a diuretic – assists in the production of urine which helps you to reduce inflammation by flushing out toxins and bacteria while also giving you relief from arthritis and rheumatism.
8. Prevents Kidney Stones
Regular consumption of the refreshing drink — or even lemon juice mixed with water — may increase the production of urinary citrate, a chemical in the urine that prevents the formation of crystals that may build up into kidney stones.
9. Keep Insects Out of the KitchenYou don’t need insecticides or ant traps to ant-proof your kitchen. Just give it the lemon treatment. First squirt some lemon juice on door thresholds and windowsills. Then squeeze lemon juice into any holes or cracks where the ants are getting in. Finally, scatter small slices of lemon peel around the outdoor entrance. The ants will get the message that they aren’t welcome. Lemons are also effective against roaches and fleas: Simply mix the juice of 4 lemons (along with the rinds) with 1/2 gallon (2 liters) water and wash your floors with it; then watch the fleas and roaches flee. They hate the smell.
10. Anti-Aging
Lemon water reduces the production of free radicals which are responsible for aging skin and skin damage. Lemon water is calorie free and an antioxidant.
11. Fruit and Vegetable Wash
You never know what kind of pesticides or dirt may be lurking on the skin of your favorite fruits and vegetables. Slice your lemon and squeeze out one tablespoon of lemon juice into your spray bottle. The lemon juice is a natural disinfectant and will leave your fruits and vegetables smelling nice too.
12. Treat Infections
Lemon water can fight throat infections thanks to its antibacterial property. If salt water does not work for you, try lime and water for gargling.
13. Deodorize Your Garbage 
If your garbage is beginning to smell yucky, here’s an easy way to deodorize it: Save leftover lemon and orange peels and toss them at the base under the bag. To keep it smelling fresh, repeat once every couple of weeks.
14. Keep Guacamole Green
You’ve been making guacamole all day long for the big party, and you don’t want it to turn brown on top before the guests arrive. The solution: Sprinkle a liberal amount of fresh lemon juice over it and it will stay fresh and green. The flavor of the lemon juice is a natural complement to the avocados in the guacamole. Make the fruit salad hours in advance too. Just squeeze some lemon juice onto the apple slices, and they’ll stay snowy white.
15. Purges The Blood
We consume a lot of junk food or food with a lot of preservatives and artificial flavours. This builds up a lot of toxins in the blood and body but daily consumption of lemon water helps to purify the blood.
16. Make Soggy Lettuce Crisp
Don’t toss that soggy lettuce into the garbage. With the help of a little lemon juice you can toss it in a salad instead. Add the juice of half a lemon to a bowl of cold water. Then put the soggy lettuce in it and refrigerate for 1 hour. Make sure to dry the leaves completely before putting them into salads or sandwiches.
17. Oral Health
Lemon juice also stops bleeding gums and reduces toothaches
18. Lighten Age Spots
Why buy expensive creams when you’ve got lemon juice? To lighten liver spots or freckles, try applying lemon juice directly to the area. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse your skin clean. It’s a safe and effective skin-lightening agent.
19. Create Blonde Highlights
For salon-worthy highlights, add 1/4 cup lemon juice to 3/4 cup water and rinse your hair with the mixture. Then, sit in the sun until your hair dries. To maximize the effect, repeat once daily for up to a week.
20. Make a Room Scent/Humidifier
Freshen and moisturize the air in your home on dry winter days. Make your own room scent that also doubles as a humidifier. If you have a wood-burning stove, place an enameled cast-iron pot or bowl on top, fill with water, and add lemon (and/or orange) peels, cinnamon sticks, cloves, and apple skins. No wood-burning stove? Use your stovetop instead and just simmer the water periodically.
21. Clean and Whiten Nails
Pamper your hands without a manicurist. Add the juice of 1/2 lemon to 1 cup warm water and soak your fingertips in the mixture for 5 minutes. After pushing back the cuticles, rub some lemon peel back and forth against the nail.
22. Cleanse Your Face
Zap zits naturally by dabbing lemon juice on blackheads to draw them out during the day. You can also wash your face with lemon juice for a natural cleanse and exfoliation. Your skin should improve after several days of treatment. Lemon water is also a cooling agent, best way to beat the heat.
23. Freshen Your Breath
Make an impromptu mouthwash by rinsing with lemon juice straight from the bottle. Swallow for longer-lasting fresh breath. The citric acid in the juice alters the pH level in your mouth, killing bacteria that causes bad breath. Rinse after a few minutes because long-term exposure to the acid in lemons can harm tooth enamel.
24. Treat Flaky Dandruff
If itchy, scaly dandruff has you scratching your head, relief may be no farther away than your refrigerator. Just massage two tablespoons lemon juice into your scalp and rinse with water. Then stir one teaspoon lemon juice into one cup water and rinse your hair with it. Repeat daily until your dandruff disappears.
25. Get Rid of Tough Stains on MarbleYou probably think of marble as stone, but it is really petrified calcium (also known as old seashells). That explains why it is so porous and easily stained and damaged. Those stains can be hard to remove. If washing won’t remove a stubborn stain, try this: Cut a lemon in half, dip the exposed flesh into some table salt, and rub it vigorously on the stain. But do this only as a last resort; acid can damage marble. Rinse well.Use These Lemons To Clean – Easy and Effective
26. Remove Berry Stains
It sure was fun to pick your own berries, but now your fingers are stained with berry juice that won’t come off no matter how much you scrub with soap and water. Try washing your hands with undiluted lemon juice, then wait a few minutes and wash with warm, soapy water. Repeat until your hands are stain-free.
27. Soften Dry, Scaly Elbows
Itchy elbows are bad enough, but they look terrible too. For better looking (and feeling) elbows, mix baking soda and lemon juice to make an abrasive paste, then rub it into your elbows for a soothing, smoothing, and exfoliating treatment. Rinse your extremities in a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water, then massage with olive oil and dab dry with a soft cloth.
28. Headaches 
Lemon juice with a few teaspoons of hot tea added is the treatment of a sophisticated New York bartender, for those who suffer with hangover headaches–and from headaches due to many other causes. He converts his customers to this regime, and weans them away from drug remedies completely.
29. Chills and Fevers
Chills and fevers may be due to a variety of causes; never the less the lemon is always a helpful remedy. Spanish physicians regard it as an infallible friend.
30. Diptheria
Skip the vaccine for this disease. Lemon Juice Treatment still proves as one of the most powerful antiseptics and the strong digestive qualities of the fruit are admired around the world. With the juice every hour or two, and at the same time, 1/2 to 1 tsp. should be swallowed. This cuts loose the false membrane in the throat and permits it to come out.
31. Vaginal Hygiene
Diluted lemon juice makes a safe and sane method of vaginal hygiene. Though it is a powerful antiseptic it is nevertheless free from irritating drugs in douches and suppositories.
32. Forget The Moth Balls
A charming French custom to keep closets free from moths is to take ripe lemons and stick them with cloves all over the skin. The heavily studded lemons slowly dry with their cloves, leaving a marvelous odor throughout the closets and rooms.
33. Stomach Health
Digestive problems are the most common ailments but warm water and lime juice is the solution to most digestive problems. Lemon juice helps to purify the blood, reduces your chances of indigestion, constipation, eliminates toxins from the body, adds digestion and reduces phlegm.
34. Disinfect Cuts and Scrapes
Stop bleeding and disinfect minor cuts and scraps by pouring a few drops of lemon juice directly on the cut. You can also apply the juice with a cotton ball and hold firmly in place for one minute.
35. Soothe Poison Ivy Rash
You won’t need an ocean of calamine lotion the next time poison ivy comes a-creeping. Just apply lemon juice directly to the affected area to soothe itching and alleviate the rash.
36. Remove Warts
You’ve tried countless remedies to banish warts and nothing seems to work. Next time, apply a dab of lemon juice directly to the wart using a cotton swab. Repeat for several days until the acids in the lemon juice dissolve the wart completely.
37. Bleach Delicate FabricsAvoid additional bleach stains by swapping ordinary household chlorine bleach with lemon juice, which is milder but no less effective. Soak your delicates in a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda for at least half an hour before washing.
38. Clean Tarnished Brass and Polish Chrome
Say good-bye to tarnish on brass, copper, or stainless steel. Make a paste of lemon juice and salt (or substitute baking soda or cream of tartar for the salt) and coat the affected area. Let it stay on for 5 minutes. Then wash in warm water, rinse, and polish dry. Use the same mixture to clean metal kitchen sinks too. Apply the paste, scrub gently, and rinse. Get rid of mineral deposits and polish chrome faucets and other tarnished chrome. Simply rub lemon rind over the chrome and watch it shine! Rinse well and dry with a soft cloth.
39. Replace Your Dry Cleaner
Ditch the expensive dry-cleaning bills (and harsh chemicals) with this homegrown trick. Simply scrub the stained area on shirts and blouses with equal parts lemon juice and water. Your “pits” will be good as new, and smell nice too.
40. Boost Laundry Detergent
For more powerful cleaning action, pour 1 cup lemon juice into the washer during the wash cycle. The natural bleaching action of the juice will zap stains and remove rust and mineral discolorations from cotton T-shirts and briefs and will leave your clothes smelling fresh. Your clothes will turn out brighter and also come out smelling lemon-fresh.
41. Rid Clothes of Mildew
Have you ever unpacked clothes you stored all winter and discovered some are stained with mildew? To get rid of it, make a paste of lemon juice and salt and rub it on the affected area, then dry the clothes in sunlight. Repeat the process until the stain is gone.
42. Eliminate Fireplace Odor
There’s nothing cozier on a cold winter night than a warm fire burning in the fireplace — unless the fire happens to smell horrible. Next time you have a fire that sends a stench into the room, try throwing a few lemon peels into the flames. Or simply burn some lemon peels along with your firewood as a preventive measure.
43. Neutralize Cat-Box Odor
You don’t have to use an aerosol spray to neutralize foul-smelling cat-box odors or freshen the air in your bathroom. Just cut a couple of lemons in half. Then place them, cut side up, in a dish in the room, and the air will soon smell lemon-fresh.
44. Deodorize a Humidifier
When your humidifier starts to smell funky, deodorize it with ease: Just pour 3 or 4 teaspoons lemon juice into the water. It will not only remove the off odor but will replace it with a lemon-fresh fragrance. Repeat every couple of weeks to keep the odor from returning.
45. Reduce Asthma SymptomsIn addition to a general detoxifying diet, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice before each meal, and before retiring can reduce asthma symptoms. 

* If you do consume lemon peel, stick to organic lemons to reduce your pesticide exposure.
About the author: 
John Summerly is nutritionist, herbologist, and homeopathic practitioner. He is a leader in the natural health community and consults athletes, executives and most of all parents of children on the benefits of complementary therapies for health and prevention.
Credits: PreventDisease

4 “Dangerous” Foods That Are Actually Good For You

4 “Dangerous” Foods That Are Actually Good For You:

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4 “Dangerous” Foods That Are Actually Good For You

Little Girl Eating BrochetteFor decades, many scientists and the media have been waging a war against fat.
The idea that fat caused harm was never based on any facts and has now been proven to becompletely false.
But yet this bias against perfectly healthy foods lingers on… foods that have been demonized for the sole reason that they are naturally high in saturated fats.
Here are 4 foods that were considered “dangerous” due to their fat content, but are actually extremely healthy.

1. Meat

Many people today believe meat to be unhealthy… but this is absolute nonsense.
Humans evolved as omnivores, eating both meat and plants. Ancient humans started hunting as early as 2 million years ago.
When you look past all the vegan and anti-fat propaganda, what you’re left with is a real food with a range of nutrients that are very important for human health.
The only problem is that meat is not what it used to be.
Back in the day, animals roamed free in nature and ate a natural diet. Chickens ate bugs and seeds, while cows ate grass.
These days, animals are often fed commercial grain-based feeds, pumped full of hormones and antibiotics to make them grow faster and locked inside all their lives.
Meat from animals that are naturally raised is much healthier.
If we take cows as an example, meat from cows that are grass-fed has (123):
  • More Omega-3 fatty acids and less Omega-6.
  • More Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) – which can reduce body fat mass in humans.
  • More Vitamins, including Vitamins A and E.
Meat is also a great source of protein and healthy fats. Plus there are tons of othernutrients in animal foods that you can’t really get from plants… Vitamins K2, D3, B12, Creatine, Carnosine and many, many more.
In a massive 2010 study of 1,212,380 individuals, consumption of unprocessed red meat had absolutely no association with heart disease or diabetes (4).
Bottom Line: Despite the fear mongering, meat is a perfectly healthy food. Just make sure to choose the good stuff… meat from grass-fed/pastured animals is best.

2. Butter

Butter has been demonized in the past and blamed for everything from heart disease to obesity.
But the truth is that butter is perfectly healthy, as long as you choose the right type.
Make sure that your butter is derived from grass-fed cows, because this can have a major impact on the nutrient composition.
One important nutrient mainly found in grass-fed dairy products is Vitamin K2, which is very important for both bone and heart health (567).
Another nutrient in butter is the short-chain fatty acid byturate. In rats, butyrate boosts metabolism and reduces food intake. In humans, some studies show anti-inflammatory activity and a protective effect on the digestive system (8910).
Butter is also rich in Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) – a fatty acid shown in some studies to reduce body fat and increase lean mass (11).
Despite all the propaganda, high-fat dairy products have never been proven to cause any sort of harm.
A recent review of 16 studies shows that butter consumption is not associated with any metabolic disease and actually correlates with a lower risk of obesity (12).
Bottom Line: Butter is very healthy if it comes from grass-fed cows. It is a real, traditional food with unique nutrients that are very important for health.

3. Eggs

Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet.
Just think about it… an egg contains all the nutrients required to turn a single cell into anentire baby chicken.
The reason eggs have been demonized in the past is because they contain lots of cholesterol.
However, new studies show that cholesterol in the diet doesn’t really raise the bad cholesterol in the blood.
If anything, eggs improve the blood lipid profile… they raise HDL and turn the LDL particles into a benign subtype (131415).
In a massive meta-analysis of 17 studies, they found no association between egg consumption and either heart disease or stroke (16).
Please keep in mind that throwing the yolks away is a major waste. Pretty much all the nutrients reside in the yolk.
One large egg contains (17):
  • Only 77 calories, with 5 grams of fat and 6 grams of quality protein.
  • Lots of vitamins: A, B12, B2 and B5, among others.
  • Tons of minerals: Phosphorus, iron, selenium, to name a few.
  • Eggs also contain plenty of Choline – a nutrient that 90% of Americans aren’t getting enough of and is very important for brain function.
Eggs are also loaded with the antioxidants Lutein and Zeaxanthine, which are very important for eye health. One study shows that eating 1.3 egg yolks per day increases blood levels of Lutein by 28-50% and Zeaxanthine by 114-142% (18).
Eggs for breakfast may also help you lose weight. Two studies have shown that people who eat eggs for breakfast lose more weight than people who eat bagels, despite eating the same amount of calories (1920).
Eggs are among the healthiest foods on the planet, just make sure to choosepastured or omega-3 enriched eggs. I eat 3-4 whole eggs myself, every single day.
Bottom Line: There is no reason to be afraid of eating eggs. They are incredibly nutritious and studies show that they can improve health in many ways.

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a rather unique type of fat.
It is about 90% saturated, primarily with fatty acids of a medium length… so-called Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs).
These types of fats are metabolized differently than longer chain fats. They go straight to the liver, where they are either used for energy or turned into ketone bodies.
MCTs can therefore be considered more “immediate” sources of energy.
About half of the fatty acids in coconut oil is the 12-carbon Lauric Acid, which is an efficient killer of pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi (212223).
Coconut oil may also be good for your heart.
In a study of overweight women, coconut oil increased HDL and lowered the LDL:HDL ratio compared to Soybean oil (24).
In rats, virgin coconut oil reduced Total cholesterol, LDL, oxidized LDL and increased HDL (the good) cholesterol (25).
The MCTs in coconut oil may also help you lose weight. These fats are metabolized differently, leading to a net increase in energy expenditure. Replacing longer chain fats with MCTs can improve satiety and reduce food intake (262728).
Because of its high saturated fat content, coconut oil is very resistant to high heat and is therefore a perfect oil for cooking.
Make sure to avoid processed or refined varieties and choose virgin coconut oil.

Take Home Message

There is absolutely no reason to fear these foods, as long as you choose qualitysources.

Master Cleanse and The Lemonade Diet

Master Cleanse and The Lemonade Diet:

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Master Cleanse and The Lemonade Diet

The following program –The Master Cleanse– has been tested and approved since 1940 all around the world and is constantly reported as the most successful diet of its type. As the originator of this superior diet once stated: “I humbly and yet proudly offer it to you, confidant that you will receive vigorous good health from its use”
The Master Cleanse is a Juice Fast. It’s a liquid diet that provides a healthy amount of calories and nutrients specifically suited for weight loss and cleansing, all while resting the digestive system and allowing the body to heal naturally.
Stanley Burroughs – Author of the book “The Master Cleanser“, continues to state: “This diet will prove that no one needs to live with their diseases. A lifetime of freedom from disease can become a reality. The Lemonade diet has successfully and consistently demonstrated its eliminating and building ability.”

The Master Cleanse is such a simple program.

Amazon Image

  1. First, squeeze Fresh Lemon Juice.
  2. Then add Rich Maple Syrup, and Cayenne Pepper into Pure Water.
  3. Drink a minimum of six to 12 glasses throughout the day whenever one is hungry (For the Lemonade diet recipe with exact measurements, scroll down this page)
  4. Take a laxative before bed.
  5. instead of the morning laxative, you can do the Salt Water Flush.
Every day of The Master Cleanse that you overcome the psychological need to eat, you feel a growing sense of control that motivates you to complete the process. The Master Cleanse is by far my favorite of the Detox Diet Recipes.

There are three phases to The Master Cleanse:

  1. Ease-In: 3 Days of Slowly removing processed foods from your diet.
  2. The Lemonade Diet: 10 Days to Lose Weight Fast, and Feel Great At Last
  3. Ease-Out3 Days of slowly eating more and more complex foods.
Each of these will be explained in detail, and it is very important to follow these directions carefully. If you read closely you shouldn’t have many questions, but of course there is always more to know, so check out the comments. Most of your other questions will be answered there. Since I get so many of the same questions, I will be making a FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions page very soon.

The Complete Master Cleanse by Tom Woloshyn

There are often questions regarding the precise ingredients for the Master Cleanser Recipe, as they can vary somewhat, depending on your experience and requirements. Be sure to choose which is right for you and learn how to best be prepared for The Master Cleanser Side Effects.
The best way to prepare for the Master Cleanse is to get educated about all the ingredients and  their purpose as well as the Cleaning process that takes place. Reading the recommended books written on the Master Cleanse topic is a very good investment of your time and energy. Everyone goes through different, very individual healing process and this may prepare you for it’s ups and downs.

Ease-In – Starting The Master Cleanse

The Ease-In step of The Master Cleanse (Pre-Diet Routine) is not as important as the Ease-Out (Post-Diet Routine). In fact, you could skip the Ease-In completely and begin directly with The Lemonade Diet at anytime. In my experience, however, beginning The Lemonade Diet with the Ease-In routine not only prepares your stomach for less food, but your mind as well.

The purpose of Easing-into the Cleanse

I find by doing the Ease-In, the first two days of the Diet are not as shocking, and the impulse to eat is therefore more manageable. It allows you to prepare your body for the dramatic change in diet as you cleanse but it will also prepare you for the next 10 days : mentally and emotionally, which can prevent you from ending the Master  Cleanse too soon. Use the 3 days of the Ease-In to gather your ingredients for the Master Cleanser Recipe.
Regardless of whether you choose to Ease-In or go right to The Lemonade Diet, your Master Cleanse Kit will contain all of your ingredients, tools, equipment, and appliances that you will need during the Master Cleanse and The Lemonade Diet. The tools and equipment of TheMaster Cleanse Kit are used to prepare and make the Lemonade, as well as to produce your Daily Detox Bowel Movements. The Lemonade Diet Ingredients are discussed in detail further down this page (and on The Lemonade Diet page).

Gather Your Master Cleanse Kit

Below are some other items you might consider for inclusion in your Master Cleanse Kit.
Lemon juicer
  • Laxatives (to create Daily Detox Bowel Movements)
  • Sea Salt (for The Salt Water Flush)
  • Hand Juicers or Electric Juicers
  • Teaspoon and Tablespoon Measures
  • Naturally Non-caffeinated Herbal Teas (the only cheating allowed)
  • Bio-Metric Measures (scales, ph-testers, body fat measures, and other devices to measure the results of your cleanse)
  • Journals (to document the process, emotions, challenges and triumphs during the Master Cleanse

Why should you choose to Ease – in

Starting The Master Cleanse with the Ease-in is also a good time to build your confidence and exposure to a Living Food Diet, Raw Food Diet, Green Diet, Vegetarian Diet.. or whatever you call your ideal post-cleanse, food lifestyle. I don’t see these diets as “Diets” in a strict sense. To me they are a lifestyle choices regarding the foods we eat. If the style of life you want is healthy, energetic, and long lasting then you must eliminate toxins, de-vitalized foods, processed foods, and otherwise dead-foods from your diet. Detox Diet Recipes such as these (and others), are great templates to base our daily food decisions on. We all know this deep down. The Master Cleanse, for most, is about a transition to a healthier lifestyle.

Ease-In Day 1 – Living Food Diet

Living _food_diet
To do the Living Food Diet, you only need to eat live foods. Simply remove processed foods, meat and dairy from your diet. Enjoy shopping for, and eating interesting fruits and vegetables. Savor the rich flavors and textures. Be sure that you don’t go too heavy on fruits as they are high in sugar. A 60/40 balance of vegetables to fruits is a good guideline.

Ease-In Day 2 – Juicing, Blending, Soups and Broths

Juicing_Cleansing_and_DetoxThis step preps your body for a liquid diet and delivers macro nutrients more quickly to your bloodstream. By breaking down the foods to liquids we can more readily take in the nutrients from the food.
Fruit and Vegetable Juicing is very enjoyable. There are endless combination’s of tasty juicing recipes. Blending is equally enjoyable. Green smoothies are like drinking a glass of healing. If you do not have a juicer, you can make soups or broths.

Ease-In Day 3 – Orange Juice

Manually or electrically juice enough oranges to make 2 liters of Orange Juice, mixed with water (to taste). Sometimes I find it hard to get the calories I need through the day and so I add some Maple Syrup to increase my caloric intake.

The Lemonade Diet

Whether you begin The Lemonade Diet immediately or Ease-In, the process of the Lemonade Diet is the same. You will however, need to make two decisions to suit your personal preferences and/or your daily work and family routines.The first Master Cleanse Variation revolves around timing your daily flush. Perhaps equally important as Ending The Master Cleanse is the Daily Detox Bowel Movement. It is crucial to flush out the toxins your body is eliminating, and since you are not consuming digestible food (fiber) to create a bowel movement, you will have to make that happen.
Smooth Move Peppermint Tea
This is why I call this process “The Daily Detox Bowel Movement”. It is this process that cleanses your body of the waste, and toxins. There are two accepted methods to produce Daily Detox Bowel Movements:
  1. Nightly Laxatives
  2. And the Salt Water Flush.
Prior to your first day on The Lemonade Diet you should have taken your Nightly Laxative. On your first full day you do not need to do the SWF so you can start drinking your Lemonade immediately upon waking.

Lemonade Diet ingredients – the Step 1

Awake, and prepare your Lemonade – this is your nourishment and energy source for the day.
Soon after arising you will prepare your daily intake of Fresh Lemon Juice, Rich Maple Syrup,Cayenne Pepper and Pure Water.

Lemonade Diet Recipe

Mix each of the following lemonade diet ingredients into a large glass:
  • 2 Tablespoons Fresh Lemon Juice
  • 2 Tablespoons Rich Maple Syrup
  • 1/10 Teaspoon of  Cayenne Pepper Powder – or to taste (as much as you can stand)
  • 8 ounces (250 milliliters of Pure Water)
Little tip: Roll each lemon firmly between your palm and the counter. Put sufficient downward pressure as you rock the lemon back and forth under your hand. You are softening the lemon to make the extraction of juice more efficient.

Tips on how to make the Master Cleanse Lemonade right

  • 1. Store your lemons on the counter to ripen, NOT in the fridge. Enzymes are dormant in the fridge. You want those enzymes. If you buy 50 lemons in advance, as most people do, store 40 in the fridge at a time and take the 10 most ripe lemons out for your first day or two.
  • 2. Next, cut the lemon and juice each half on the juicer (If using an electric juicer you may want to juice the whole allotment at once, since you will not be sure how many lemons will yield the proper amount of juice. You may initially find you will waste a lemon or two).
  • 3. Add the rest of the lemonade ingredients into the glass, mix immediately, and drink. I like to drink the glass quickly because it seems to hit my hunger spot quickly. I usually only drink when I need to, and when enough time has passed to allow for a nice spread over the day as I try to manage my daily quota.
  • 4. Drink your lemonade as soon as you can after you made it (5-10 minutes after it was made). If you allow the lemonade to sit with the Cayenne pepper in it too long as it will steep. The lemonade will get too spicy and that may prevent you from drinking enough lemonade during the day.
(Note: You might get a kick out of licking the tablespoon measure after adding your maple syrup. You may even come to look forward to this part of the process –just don’t “eat” the syrup in quantity).
If you are doing The Salt Water Flush, you should drink your first glass of lemonade after your first bowel movement to allow the process of elimination to begin.

The Lemonade Diet Concentrate – the most common mistake

Previously mentioned on this website was my preference to drink Pre-mix Lemonade. I now understand a critical flaw to this plan. The longer your Lemonade sits, the more enzymes die. If you need to Pre-mix your Lemonade, then you should only mix a concentrate of just 2 ingredients :
  1. The Fresh Lemon Juice
  2. And the Rich Maple Syrup.
The maple syrup acts as a preservative. This Lemonade Diet Concentrate will keep the enzymes alive long enough to be consumed during the day. Store The Lemonade Diet Concentrate in a cool, dark, glass container. Do not add the cayenne or water to the concentrate! The cayenne will “Steep” like tea, and make the concentrate very hot. The water will dilute the maple syrup and the enzymes in the Fresh Lemon Juice will die. Add the water each time you make a fresh glass of lemonade. Learn the details about Master Cleanse Enzymes and The Lemonade Diet Concentrate because it is crucial to your success, and is a leading cause of Master Cleanse Problems.

How much Lemonade should you drink during the day?

You will drink between 6 and 12 glasses of Lemonade each day (some people drink as much as 26 glasses per day). The more you can drink, the better. I try to drink at least 8 glasses each day. This will depend on how big or small you currently are (caloric needs), your tolerance to physical and psychological urges to eat, and your desire to to lose weight.

How much weight will I loose during the Master Cleanse?

Master Cleanse Weight Loss results vary according to your pre-cleanse weight, and can be managed, to a degree, by how much lemonade you drink. Obviously you can Drink more, for less weight loss, and drink less to lose more weight. It is not a wise choice to drink less than 6 glasses in an effort to lose “extra” weight. Weight loss (if any), should occur naturally. It is wise to drink whenever you’re hungry, or when you feel a lack of energy (commonly felt as a weakness or mild shakiness), which is quickly corrected by drinking a glass of Fresh Lemonade. 12 glasses per day should be your starting point from which you will make adjustments.

Use Purified Water to Make the Master Cleanse Lemonade

pure_water, Master Cleanse
I carry a 1-liter BPA-free Water Bottle filled with Pure Water with me at all times. This water will cleanse your palate of the lemonade, as well as maintain the illusion that your stomach is full. You can drink as much water as you do Lemonade. All the water you consume from (including the water in the lemonade), is a key factor in why this cleanse is so successful. Avoid chlorinated and fluorinated water.

Drink Pure Water Throughout the Day

Master_Cleanse_ bottle
Most of us are chronically dehydrated. And most of us eat when we are thirsty. Our bodies don’t understand the difference between the cravings for water and food very well. The two signals – hunger and thirst are often mis-understood. I drink as much as I can, but like anything, one shouldn’t overdo it. Every time I feel a hunger craving, I take a nice big chug of water. I believe I am turning off the switch in my physiology that is telling me that I am hungry. If I feel very hungry, or weak, I drink a glass of Lemonade.

What kind of water should I use during the cleanse?

The quality of your water during the Master Cleanse is the key to great results.You probably know that your body uses water to flush and transport toxins to the organs of elimination ( The colon, bladder, lungs, skin and so on…) to discharge them. Latest scientific research shows that many health problems can be significantly improved, or completely eliminated, with just an adequate consumption of good water. To learn more about the healing power of water, read our recent articles on this topic.
We recommend 3 ways to ensure your water is pure and appropriate for the Cleanse:
  1. You can use Water Ionizer
  2. Install good Water Filter for your tap water
  3. Or check your local health-food store for Purified Bottled Water

What about distilled water?

Stanley Burroughs – The Master Cleanse founder, did not recommend using distilled water. He called it was “cooked” – completely stripped of natural minerals found in water.It is also slightly acidic.

Step 3 – Master Cleanse Detox – Induce Daily Bowel Movements.

The Master Cleanse is a Detox Diet. The Detox of The Master Cleanse Diet occurs largely through Bowel Movements. The Daily Detox Bowel Movement is the result from the Nightly Laxative, and The Salt Water Flush. The Salt Water Flush is optional but the Bedtime Laxative is not. Some choose to do a Morning Laxative as well.

Master Cleanse Detox with Herbal Laxatives

There are several herbal laxatives that work well. Most people find that by using Laxative Tablets they are able to better manage the dosage. Often the suggested dosage is not enough to produce the movement in the morning. Tom Woloshyn, author of The Complete Master Cleanse swears that 4 tablets is a good starting point. If you cramp or wake up early with a movement, scale back to 3 tablets. If your movement doesn’t happen in the morning, scale up to 5 tablets.
I choose to do the Salt Water Flush in the evening. The SWF process is a commitment in itself. Once you take the solution, you will have to be on guard, a bowel movement WILL be coming shortly. I don’t mean in 5, or even 15 minutes, but generally in 30-60 minutes after taking the salt water, you will have your first movement. The last movements will begin to wind down an hour or so after they begin. This is a, ahem… crappy process, and there is really no way to sugar-coat it. The next few paragraphs will describe in detail what you can expect.

Master Cleanse Detox with The Salt Water Flush

Using 1 liter BPA Free Water Bottle and your teaspoon measure, mix a solution consisted of :
  • Sea Salt – 2 teaspoons
  • And Pure Water – 1 quart of warm water
The original book says 2 teaspoons, but I have used 1 tablespoon almost every time and it works the same for me each way. The last time I did the cleanse, I tried it each way (once with 2 teaspoons and then again with 1 tablespoon), and each time I had success.
There have been many questions about this process. Many people complain that the SWF doesn’t worked for them. This is probably the most common mistake with the master cleanse. I believe it can work for everyone, but there are no absolutes in this world. The key is to adjust the amount of salt in order to create the right solution for your individual needs.

2 Important Tips to make sure you do the Salt Water Flush right

  1. Make sure you don’t used iodized table salt. NON-iodized sea salt is essential.
  2. The Salt Water Flush MUST be done on an empty stomach.
Shake the mixture well and move to the sink. I like to “pound it” – perhaps because I like to pretend I am still in college and the sea salt is actually a keg stand. I also move into the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. Somehow, by watching myself, I can manage to drink the whole liter in one try, spilling very little. This too is a challenge in itself, especially once your stomach has become very small from taking no solids. Chances are, you will feel full halfway through, so just keep going. Stopping only makes you taste the salt, and will activate your gag reflex. If you throw up most of the mixture, you will not have success. Do whatever it takes to get it down, and keep it down.
While it is not required to drink the solution in one go, you will find that the taste is such that you will want to get it down quickly. It is not awful, but it is not exactly pleasant, and therefore I choose to get it over with. I also enjoy the little challenge. Many people have submitted their Salt Water Flush Tips that range from sipping the mixture through a straw or adding lemon juice to the mixture.
After you have consumed the solution, you can go about your activities until nature calls. Laying on your right hand is side to aid the solution on its journey through your digestive track, although I don’t find this especially helpful and so I don’t bother.

What to Expect from The Salt Water Flush

When you first feel the rumble in your belly and your bowels, DON’T go running off to the bathroom. Give it a while. Let it brew! Yeah, I know that is weird to think about, but you should let it build up. You are going to have 3-7 movements, possibly more. Generally speaking, you will end up pushing out what you put in. The entire liter of sea salt water will be immediately expelled. This is because the solution is indigestible. You may have heard that, if you are stranded at sea, drinking sea water will only dehydrate you more. This is why. It just comes right out of you because the mixture is such that it is not absorbed.

What to do when the Salt Water Flush didn’t work

If your mixture is off or it doesn’t work (check to see if you have the right kind of salt. Did you do it on an empty stomach?), don’t worry. The amount of salt you just consumed is far less than your “regular”, modern diet. All is well. Just try again the next day with an adjustment in the amount of salt. I suggest adding little more salt to the amount of 2 teaspoons until you are successful.
Of course, along with the sea salt, you will be expelling waste. During the first 2 days you will be moving out the remaining solid matter in the digestive tract from the days prior to the Master Cleanse. If you began your diet immediately, this will be more true than if you Eased-in, and therefore have only juice in your system. Nevertheless, for each day you will expel solid matter. Gross, to be certain, but also empowering. You really begin to understand the value of this process when you recognize the elimination of waste that has been stored in your body for months, even decades.

Salt Water Flush Tips

Can’t stand the taste of Salt Water Flush? Here are some simple tips to get that ” sucker” down.

Letting go of the toxins

Your eliminations will be MOSTLY liquid from now on. You will only notice smaller material and clumps of thicker waste. Don’t expect large solid movements of any kind. You should be encouraged that even on day-10 you still have dark liquid in your first movements of the day. All the dark matter is retained waste that the cleanse is loosening and removing.
Once you feel you can no longer hold out, go to the bathroom. A word of warning while you wait for this moment. DO NOT FART!!! You will most certainly not pass only air – if you know what I mean. This is also true throughout the rest of your day. Don’t be fooled or you will be leaving work to change your shorts. The first movement will be rather large and fairly powerful. You will want to flush almost immediately. In order to understand the whole messy details, take a look… if you dare.
Stay close to a toilet and continue to move until the frequency eases. Once you can last 15 minutes without a serious movement, you are safe to go about your day. For this reason I choose to undergo this process in the morning, before I go out for the day.

Lemonade Diet Conclusion – Repeating the Process

That concludes the process of The Lemonade Diet. Just repeat for every day of your intended duration. Most Master Cleanse Practitioners won’t recommend less than 10 days. 10 days is a great achievement and will produce far better results as your body can really begin to focus on the deep and dark within. 14 days is very challenging and when added to the Ease-in and Ease-out is almost 3 weeks in total. I have heard of, and known, people who go for 30 and more.

How long should I do the Cleanse for?

Tom Woloshyn claims the longest he has heard of is 372 days straight with the second longest being 256. Some people do “Cleanse Stacks” where they will do 10 days followed by some regular eating and quickly going back on for another 10 days as many as 5 times. My suggestion is that 2 weeks is more than enough. There are reasons for Long Term Master Cleansing such as Disease Cleansing, but that topic is far outside of the scope of this article.

Ease-Out – Stopping The Master Cleanse

The Ease-out process of The Master Cleanse is the exact same as the Ease-In, but in reverse. This is also another reason I choose to do the Ease-In – it prepares me for the Ease-Out. You will be tempted to fast-track this process, but DON’T.

Why is the Ease – out so important?

Consider this step as ESSENTIAL. You can become nauseated if you start to eat too soon. Please don’t underestimate the importance of this process. On the other hand, don’t be scared of it either. You do risk some serious constipation or some of the worse Complications of The Master Cleanse – but if you eat something too soon, you will likely be okay in the long run. If you are unsure at any time – consult a doctor. My words here are opinion only, and should always be considered informational not medical advice.
Here is a quote from Tom Woloshyn’s book The Complete Master Cleanse On the Easing – out :  ” The important transition period of moving from lemonade to food will prepare your digestive system for more and more complex foods so that it does not become overwhelmed. Just as you wouldn’t try running a marathon after being a couch potato for three years, you wouldn’t brake a cleanse by launching into full-feasting mode. You want your digestive system to get well-deserved brake so that your body can start back on the right track. ”
The most important factor to keep in mind during this stage of The Master Cleanse is to drink a lot of water. Especially when you are Fruit Juicing and Vegetable Juicing. If you do not make broth, and opt for juices instead, it is important you understand that the juice will have a great deal of fiber, and you need to make sure you have enough water in your system to keep you from becoming constipated.

Ease-Out Day 1 – Orange Juice

Manually or electrically juice enough oranges to make 2 liters of Orange Juice, mixed with water (to taste). Sometimes I find it hard to get the calories I need through the day and so I add some Maple Syrup to increase my caloric intake.

Ease-Out Day 2 – Juicing, Blending, Soups and Broths

Juicing_ Master_Cleanse
This step preps your body for a liquid diet and delivers macro nutrients more quickly to your bloodstream. By breaking down the foods to liquids we can more readily take in the nutrients from the food. Fruit and Vegetable Juicing is very enjoyable. There are endless combination’s of tasty juicing recipes. Blending is equally enjoyable. Green smoothies are like drinking a glass of healing. If you do not have a juicer, you can make soup or broths.

Ease-Out Day 3 – Living Food Diet

Healthy_lifeastyleTo do the Living Food Diet, you need only to eat live foods. Simply remove processed foods, meat and dairy from your diet.
Enjoy shopping for, and eating interesting fruits and vegetables. Savor the rich flavor and textures. Be sure that you don’t go to heavy on fruits as they are high in sugar. A 60/40 balance of vegetables to fruits is a good guideline.

Post Cleanse – After The Master Cleanse – Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

When you are done The Master Cleanse, the next and maybe most important step is to begin to Eat Wisely. This sounds so simple, yet so many people go right back to eating emotionally to sooth their daily worries. Choose to Eat Wisely and you will not put the weight back on. If you go back to Eating Poorly, you will gain back all the weight you just lost – and maybe more!
Make sure to start taking Probiotics after you finished the Cleanse. It is very important to replenish the good bacteria in your body that has been flushed out during the Cleansing process. The word “probiotic” means “for life.” Probiotics are good bacteria that provides many health benefits and are essential for many vital body functions, including healthy digestion.

Now You KNOW How To Master Cleanse

So now what? What’s Next?
  1. Pick Your Start Date
  2. Get Your Master Cleanse Kit
  3. Get Your After Master Cleanse Kit
  4. Join The Group Cleanse and Social Channels for Support and Fun!
  5. Lose Weight & Feel Great

Pick Your Start Date

In our experience, Friday’s are great days for starting the Ease-In, leaving the following Monday for you to begin your Lemonade Diet. Strategically this makes your starting weekend a hybrid of cleanse and food. This also leaves the Ease-Out to fall prior to the end of the second week, and ultimately only 1 full weekend while on the Lemonade Diet. This helps substantially with people’s work and social schedules.
Finally, choosing your seasonal selection is also important. Look at your calendar and and notice major events like National Holidays, and personal events like weddings, graduations, etc. Find the first opportunity that you have 2 weeks off following one of these events. You can then really dig in and enjoy your last indulgences and get ready for a fresh start free from any of the pitfalls and temptations that these events are certain to cause.

Get Your Master Cleanse Kit

There are 3 parts to your Master Cleanse Kit. Part 2, Lemons, of course are perishable. So you should try to get those locally, although will deliver Fresh Lemons directly to your door, along with the readily available non-perishable ingredients making up part of The Master Cleanse Kit including Maple Syrup, Cayenne Pepper, Sea Salt, and Laxative Teas or Laxative Pills. Part 3 of your Master Cleanse Kit might include the equipment or accessories you might need like a hand juicer, tablespoon measures and water bottles. All of these items can be found on, where we suggest you get your kit, saving you the effort of sourcing all these items independently.

Get Your After Master Cleanse Kit

It’s so important to over-look what to do “After” the Master Cleanse. After-all, just start eating again right? Naturally, following the Ease-In, if done right and transitioned into Eating Healthy, we’ll rebuild naturally over time. During The Master Cleanse, we’ve strategically reduced intake of certain nutrients,  like Protein, Fats, and a select group of Vitamins where sidelined for a few days. Now it’s time to rebuild. We have to rebuild our internal flora, using Probiotics. We should supplement our Vitamins and Nutrients with a Plant Based, and natural Multivitamin, and finally we should rebuild our Amino Acids and Proteins using an all natural Whey Protein.

Join the Group Cleanse for Support and Fun!

Now that you’re committed, why not join our Group Cleanse. Hundreds of people do one of 4 scheduled Group Cleansesafter the major holidays, but there are also Independent Group Cleanse with dozens of participants on any given day of the year. You’ll be amazed how helpful, and FUN, having someone to share with, learn from, and lean on during the challenge of becoming a Master Cleanser. Not to mention you can flex your Social Networking, Blogging and Publishing skills that might even land you your very own blog just like Check out our Group Cleanse page for details.

Join The Conversation on our Social Channels is everywhere you want to connect with us. We creating content, supporting our community, and engaging in conversations on all the major networks. Click through and subscribe to us on each to stay up to date with all the great news, and insight on Cleansing, Detox, Weight Loss, Diets, Healthy Eating, Holistic Healing, Personal Health Management (Self Care), andPersonal Development.

Lose Weight & Feel Great – Like Dr. Wayne Dyer Did

Yes The Master Cleanse is about Cleanse and Detox, but many of you are for the Weight Loss. Well, great news! As a reduction diet, The Master Cleanse is beyond compare. Be prepared to lose up to 2 lbs per day as fat melts away. Please note, that this is not typical, and results definitely vary. You’ll only lose weight if your body feels you need to. Some people, especially those underweight or malnourished can sometimes put on weight. Most people however, carrying extra weight in fat, will see dramatic, fast, and natural weight loss.
Last but not least, the Cleanse and Detox is a Whole Body experience. You’ll not only feel great about how you look, but you’ll be more aware, proud, and empowered with your ability to be confident, committed in your new healthy lifestyle. Not to mention the famous “Cleansers” High most notably touted by Dr. Wayne Dyer, who proclaims:
I feel great and taken weight off around my middle. It’s just kinda disappeared. I have lost 14 or 15 pounds I have more energy. I am doing yoga again. I am back walking. I was having real issues with my back. Joint pains and things like that seem to have all gone. I have a new kind of clarity as well.
Happy Cleansing everyone and Thank you for visiting our website! We hope to see you here soon again.

If You’re Ready – Get Your Master Cleanse Kit

If You Need More Information – Get our Books and Programs

  1. Master Cleanse Roadmap
  2. Master Cleanse Roadmap Report
  3. Zero To Master Cleanser
  4. Cleanse Masters Club

15 WORST ‘health drinks’: Orange juice and Innocent smoothies with as much sugar as 13 Hobnobs or 3-and-a-half doughnuts | Mail Online

15 WORST ‘health drinks’: Orange juice and Innocent smoothies with as much sugar as 13 Hobnobs or 3-and-a-half doughnuts | Mail Online:

‘via Blog this’

A single serving of so-called healthy fruit juice has been found to contain the same amount of  sugar as three-and-a-half doughnuts or 13 hobnob biscuits.
Exclusive research for Mailonline has revealed that a single 250ml serving of white grape juice contained the same amount of sugar as four Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts.
Until recently, we thought the ‘bad’ drinks were those such as Coke and Pepsi, while orange juice was an easy way to get one of our ‘five a day’.
But the goalposts have shifted. More and more experts are warning that sugary drinks in any form are largely to blame for our ballooning waistlines.
Shouting this message from the rooftops is one leading U.S. expert, Dr Robert Lustig.
In his new book ‘Fat Chance: The Bitter Truth About Sugar’, he argues that it doesn’t matter whether the sugars you drink come from fruit juice, smoothies or fizzy drinks. 
He says that liquid fructose sugar is dangerous for our health, irrespective of the source. 
These sugars are overloading our livers and leading to health issues such as heart problems, diabetes and obesity, which not only affects our quality of life, but also costs the NHS over £6 billion a year.
But why is orange juice, for example, so bad? 
The key issue is a lack of fibre. When we eat fruit, fibre forms a protective layer that acts as a barrier to the intestine.
This slows absorption of sugar, so the liver has a chance to catch up. In fizzy drinks, fruit juices and smoothies, the barrier has gone, which leads to the liver being overloaded.
Also, fruit – which is how many of us get our five a day – is high in fructose, which affects blood sugar levels. Any sugar that the body doesn’t need is converted to fat – and we’re getting bigger. 
Here, Dr. Sebastian Winckler, medical director of – an online healthcare service that provides GP consultations and prescriptions – gives his verdict on the biggest sugar-sinners on the high street, showing their sugar equivalent in food and how to make a healthy swap.
His findings are eye-opening…


Pret's orange juice contains as much sugar as 13 McVities Hobnob biscuits

Pret’s orange juice contains as much sugar as 13 McVities Hobnob biscuits
229 calories
0.6g fat
51g sugar
13 McVities Hobnob biscuits

This drink is almost as sugary pound for pound as Coke, and it contains more calories than a can of Coke!

But because it’s juice it’s okay, right? Wrong.
Fructose sugar is found in high quantities in fruit juice and excessive consumption is a primary cause of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.
It doesn’t matter if it’s juice or Coke, concentrated liquid sugar is bad – full stop.
Not convinced? Watch the video from sugar expert Dr Robert Lustig on the science behind the body’s reaction to a glass of Orange Juice.
Pret’s orange juice is made from 100 per cent freshly squeezed oranges with no added sugar. The sugar is naturally occurring in the fruit. 
We give our customers a wide choice of products and we lead the way in food labelling so people can make informed choices about what they eat and drink.


Pret Carrot Juice60 calories0.3g fat5g sugar


Ribena has as much sugar as 13 Oreo cookies

Ribena has as much sugar as 13 Oreo cookies
215 calories
0g fat
52.6g sugar
13 Oreo Chocolate biscuits
Good old Ribena. Made in the UK with real blackcurrants. Healthy? No. Drinking this 500ml bottle of Ribena gives you 60 per cent of your daily amount of sugar in one hit.
As sugary as a can of Coke, and with almost 100 more calories to boot, you’d do yourself a favour by choosing a less sugary option.
Ribena offers people a choice of products including no added sugar options. 
We are continuing to develop healthier formulations of our Ribena ready to drink products, by reducing the sugars and calorie content.  
We have signed up as a partner to the government’s Public Health Responsibility Deal to demonstrate our commitment to encouraging people to eat and drink fewer calories.

DRINK THIS INSTEAD: No Added Sugar Ribena: 11 calories, 0g fat, 1.3g sugar 


This Innocent smoothie has as much sugar as 3.5 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Donuts

This Innocent smoothie has as much sugar as 3.5 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Donuts
171 calories
0.5g fat
34.3g sugar

3.5 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Donuts

This (not so) Innocent smoothie has almost 30 per cent more sugar per 100ml than Coca-Cola, and is the most sugar-rich smoothie on the market.
Don’t be fooled by the two portions of your five a day. The high fructose sugar content piles the pressure on your liver, and the fact that it’s a smoothie makes virtually no difference. 
The fibre has been so heavily pulped during the manufacturing process that the full sugar load of this smoothie is still rapidly absorbed by the body.
Recent recommendations Dr Lustig have suggested that we need to get our sugar intake down to six teaspoons for women and nine teaspoons for men. 
On that basis, this drink would deliver 100 per cent of your RDA. Not good.
Innocent smoothies are made from nothing but pure, crushed fruit and juice, with absolutely no sugar added. Our smoothies contain all the good stuff that fruit does (like fibre and vitamin C). 
As a standard 250ml serving of one of our smoothies contains two portions of fruit, (i.e. two of your 5-a-day), the sugars found in it are the same as the amount found in two portions of fruit (a banana and another portion of fruit). 
EAT THIS INSTEAD: An Apple: 95 calories, 0g fat, 19g sugar


A Burger King super size Coke has the same amount of sugar as nine Penguin Milk Chocolate Wafer Bars

A Burger King super size Coke has the same amount of sugar as nine Penguin Milk Chocolate Wafer Bars
315 calories
0g fat
79.5g sugar
9 Penguin Milk Chocolate Wafer Bars
Not all Coca Cola is created equal. This abomination from Burger King contains 50 per cent more sugar per 100ml than the same size drink from Coca Cola.
Why? It’s all in the process. This is draught Coke, made by mixing soda water with concentrated sugar syrup, which somehow manages to be even more sugary than the original!
The jury’s still out on whether diet drinks are an acceptable alternative, but in the meantime, if you have to have fizzy drinks, stick with diet.
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: Burger King had not responded to MailOnline’s enquiry before publication.

Burger King Super Size Diet Coke1.9 calories, 0g fat, 0g sugar


Starbucks Venti White Chocolate Mocha with Whipped Cream has as much sugar as 10 bowls of Nestle Golden Grahams

Starbucks Venti White Chocolate Mocha with Whipped Cream has as much sugar as 10 bowls of Nestle Golden Grahams
613 calories
74g sugar
25.8g fat
10 bowls of Nestle Golden Grahams

The name says it all really. This Starbucks coffee manages to pack in 74g of sugar, 613 calories and 26g of fat (a third of a woman’s recommended daily intake and a quarter of a man’s).

Let’s take a moment to absorb that…That’s a coffee with more fat than a Big Mac and more sugar than 2 cans of Coke.
To work off these calories you’ll need to  spend an hour and a half in the gym  on the bike, and you’d still have 50 more calories to work off!
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE:  We provide calories on our menu boards and nutritional information is available on our website to help customers make the choices that are right for them. 
Lower fat milk and sugar-free syrups can ensure our customers get healthier versions of the same great flavours they enjoy. 
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Filter Coffee: 5 calories, 0.1g fat, 0g sugar


Starburst Strawberry Flavour Milk has as much sugar as 11 McVities HobNobs

Starburst Strawberry Flavour Milk has as much sugar as 11 McVities HobNobs
288 calories
6.4g fat
42g sugar
11 McVities HobNob Biscuits
Don’t let the fact that this is a milk drink fool you into thinking this drink is healthy. This oversized beverage has double the sugar content of semi skimmed milk as well as a host of E number additives.
At 10.5g of sugar per 100ml, this drink is as sugary as Coke, and for a supposedly ‘school friendly’ healthy kids drink, that’s bordering on criminal.
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: ‘Our drinks are designed as a treat to be enjoyed as part of a healthy balanced lifestyle. Milk based drinks contain lactose which is a sugar naturally present in milk, and all our products have clear nutritional labelling to enable our consumers to make informed choices.”
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Semi Skimmed Milk (250ml): 123 calories, 4g fat, 12.5g sugar


Burger King's large chocolate milkshake has as much sugar as a Tesco Finest Strawberries and Cream Tart

Burger King’s large chocolate milkshake has as much sugar as a Tesco Finest Strawberries and Cream Tart
612 calories
12g fat
102.4g sugar
Tesco Finest Strawberries And Cream Tart (serves 4 people)
This is officially the highest sugar content drink in the UK, and the only drink to break the 100g sugar barrier to boot.
To put 100g of sugar in perspective, that’s over 20 teaspoons worth. Can you ever imagine adding that to your morning coffee?
The drink also packs a hefty calorie punch, coming in at 612 calories; the equivalent of 2 extra cheeseburgers with your meal.
To burn off the calories in this behemoth, you’d have to swim (front crawl) for over an hour!
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: Burger King had not responded to MailOnline’s enquiry before publication.
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Tesco Free From Chocolate Coconut Milk: 125 calories, 5g fat, 17g sugar



This Water Pure Squeezed Lemon & Limes has as much sugar as two Kellogg's Chewy Marshmallow Rice Krispies Bars

This Water Pure Squeezed Lemon & Limes has as much sugar as two Kellogg’s Chewy Marshmallow Rice Krispies Bars
96 calories
0g fat
21.3g sugar
2 Kellogg’s Chewy Marshmallow Rice Krispies Bars
Imagine taking a glass of water, pouring in four teaspoons of sugar, and still calling it water…doesn’t make sense right? 
It takes the biscuit that this water is advertised as water, but only has 20 per cent less sugar than a full fat Coke.
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: This Water drinks are made from pure squeezed juices from real fruits and spring water, and sugar. 
The sugars found in our drinks are made up of the sugars in fruit juice and sucrose which is needed to ensure that our drinks taste great (without it they would taste too sharp). 
Unlike other flavoured water brands, our drinks will never contain concentrates, colourings or preservatives. The nutritional information is clearly stated on all our drinks labels.
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Water: 0 calories, 0g fat, 0g sugar 



Rockstar's Punched Energy & Guava contains as much sugar as 20 Maryland cookies

Rockstar’s Punched Energy & Guava contains as much sugar as 20 Maryland cookies
335 calories
0g fat
78g sugar
20 Maryland Chocolate Chip Cookies
This fruit flavoured energy drink has 40% more sugar per 100ml than Red Bull, which in turn is sugarier than Coke. Making Coke look like the good guy for once is hard, but Rockstar manages it with ease.That stack of biscuits is just under an entire pack of Maryland cookies.
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: There is an important difference between Red Bull and Rockstar Punched Energy + Guava. Rockstar Punched Energy + Guava contains fruit juice. The declared sugar content of this product includes the sugar derived from the fruit juice and is not added sugar only.
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Relentless Sugar Free: 15 calories, 0g fat, 0g sugar



Sun Grown's Pure White Grape Juice has as much sugar as four Original Glazed Krispy Kreme Donuts

Sun Grown’s Pure White Grape Juice has as much sugar as four Original Glazed Krispy Kreme Donuts
175 calories
0g fat
42g sugar
4 Original Glazed Krispy Kreme Donuts
This fruit juice is one of the most highly concentrated sugar drinks of all the drinks we analysed.
If you’re shouting at the screen “But it’s a fruit juice”, then you’ve got it all wrong…
It doesn’t matter where the sugar comes from. 
It matters that these sugars are pounding your liver without the fruit’s natural fibres, which usually act as a barrier to stop the bombardment.
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE:MailOnline could not contact Sun Grown for a response. 
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Tropicana Trop 50 Low Sugar Orange Juice53 calories, 0g fat, 10g sugar


Lucozade Sport Elite Orange has as much sugar as two Walls Magnum Classic Chocolate ice creams

Lucozade Sport Elite Orange has as much sugar as two Walls Magnum Classic Chocolate ice creams


195 calories
0g fat
40g sugar
2 Walls Magnum Classic Chocolate Ice Creams
We know sports drinks are supposed to contain sugars to replace what is lost through sweat. 
But this Lucozade Sports Elite prides itself on containing ’40 per cent more fuel for Matchday’.
In reality, that means more sugar, nearly 10 teaspoons of the stuff to be precise.
Drink this 500ml bottle will give you a bigger sugar hit than swilling down a can of Coke.
And don’t be fooled by the research and the elite athlete sponsorship, the most recent research on the efficacy of sports drinks (by the BMJ) shows their benefits to be patchy at best.
As a rule of thumb, unless you’re doing high intensity sport for more than an hour, water is the best thing for you.
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: Lucozade Sport Elite is specifically designed to meet the needs of serious sports people who require more fuel to meet their training or competition requirements. 
Lucozade Sport Elite is a carbohydrate-electrolyte drink and is not the same as other carbonated soft drinks. 
You need carbohydrates, electrolytes and hydration for prolonged/endurance sport and exercise and Lucozade Sport Elite helps provide these.
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Lucozade Sport Lite: 50 calories, 0g fat, 5g sugar



Costa's Massimo berry Cooler has as much sugar as 16 Nature Valley Oats & Honey Granola Bars

Costa’s Massimo berry Cooler has as much sugar as 16 Nature Valley Oats & Honey Granola Bars
409 calories
0.6g fat
97.1g sugar
16 Nature Valley Oats & Honey Granola Bars
See those 16 Nature Valley breakfast bars? That’s how much sugar is in this supposedly healthy looking fruit drink.
Slurp this drink down for breakfast on your way to work and you’ll have consumed 108 per cent of your RDA of sugar. 
That’s one hell of a hit on your liver, and if you’re a regular consumer of this kind of drink, whether you’re thin or fat this could be causing you all sorts of health difficulties.
Just because it’s got fruit in the name, people like you and me think it’s healthy, but the reality is this has almost as much sugar as three cans of Coke.
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: Costa takes the nutritional balance of all its food and drink very seriously. 
We have increased the quality of information available in store and online via our Costa nutritional tool ( and have carried out a lot of work, particularly in the Iced drink range to reduce calorie content with the intention to continuing to find ways to reduce fat, calories and sugar levels throughout our product offerings. 
Last year we introduced our iced-lemonades to the range, with the primo size containing less than 100 calories. Our Skinny Iced Cappuccino has fewer than 50Kcals.
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Starbucks Mango & Passion Fruit Frappucino: 157 calories, 0.1g fat, 37g sugar 



Eat's large Mocha Chiller has as much sugar as eight Twix Caramel Slices

Eat’s large Mocha Chiller has as much sugar as eight Twix Caramel Slices
580 calories
19.1g fat
90.5g sugar
8 Twix Caramel Slices
Another coffee on the list, this time from EAT, that should come with a health warning every time it’s ordered.
This behemoth contains 90g of sugar, that’s 21 teaspoons of the white stuff, alongside 580 calories, the equivalent of a McDonalds Quarter Pounder with Cheese, and then some! 
To get the same sugar hit from Coca Cola you’d have to drink two and half cans of the Brown Doctor. Madness!
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: EAT had not responded to MailOnline’s enquiry before publication.
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Starbucks Iced Coffee Latte: 53 calories, 0.1g fat, 7.5g sugar



For Goodness Shakes' Milk Chocolate Sports Recovery Drink has as much sugar as 15 Tesco Ginger Nut Biscuits

For Goodness Shakes’ Milk Chocolate Sports Recovery Drink has as much sugar as 15 Tesco Ginger Nut Biscuits
315 calories
5.4g fat
50.3g sugar
15 Tesco Ginger Nut Biscuits
What could be better than a post recovery protein drink? Quite a few things, actually! 
Sugar wise, this drink is only a fraction less sugary than Coke, but coming in such a large size, it manages to give you over 50g of sugar, more than half an adult’s daily amount in one hit.
This sports drink also has more calories than a Mars Bar. 
On top of that, according to Goodness Shakes, if you have a particularly hard training session, you should drink two of them!
Unless you’re training seriously hard, we’d recommend you stick with milk or water. 
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: For Goodness Shakes had not responded to MailOnline’s enquiry before publication.
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Semi Skimmed Milk (250ml): 123 calories; 4g fat12.5g sugar



The Starbucks Venti Soy Vanilla Spice Hot Chocolate has as much sugar as five Kellogg's strawberry Pop Tarts

The Starbucks Venti Soy Vanilla Spice Hot Chocolate has as much sugar as five Kellogg’s strawberry Pop Tarts
540 calories
7g fat
80g sugar
5 Kellogg’s Strawberry Pop Tarts
You know when you’re ordering a large hot chocolate that it’s an indulgence, but is it really fair of Starbucks to take it this far?
Guzzling down the 80g of sugar in this drink is equivalent to munching that stack of Strawberry Pop Tarts, generally considered to be one of the unhealthiest breakfasts ever produced.
Drinking this sugary monstrosity jacks your blood sugar up and results in strain on your liver and kidneys, the creation of new fat molecules and perhaps worst of all, the sugar lull after the initial hit makes you want to eat more!
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE:We provide calories on our menu boards and nutritional information is available on our website to help customers make the choices that are right for them. 
Lower fat milk and sugar-free syrups can ensure our customers get healthier versions of the same great flavours they enjoy. 
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Starbucks Classic Hot Chocolate: 155 calories, 6.4g fat, 17.2g sugar

For more information on Dr Ed, visit:

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Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on FacebookA single serving of so-called healthy fruit juice has been found to contain the same amount of  sugar as three-and-a-half doughnuts or 13 hobnob biscuits.
Exclusive research for Mailonline has revealed that a single 250ml serving of white grape juice contained the same amount of sugar as four Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts.
Until recently, we thought the ‘bad’ drinks were those such as Coke and Pepsi, while orange juice was an easy way to get one of our ‘five a day’.
But the goalposts have shifted. More and more experts are warning that sugary drinks in any form are largely to blame for our ballooning waistlines.
Shouting this message from the rooftops is one leading U.S. expert, Dr Robert Lustig.
In his new book ‘Fat Chance: The Bitter Truth About Sugar’, he argues that it doesn’t matter whether the sugars you drink come from fruit juice, smoothies or fizzy drinks. 
He says that liquid fructose sugar is dangerous for our health, irrespective of the source. 
These sugars are overloading our livers and leading to health issues such as heart problems, diabetes and obesity, which not only affects our quality of life, but also costs the NHS over £6 billion a year.
But why is orange juice, for example, so bad? 
The key issue is a lack of fibre. When we eat fruit, fibre forms a protective layer that acts as a barrier to the intestine.
This slows absorption of sugar, so the liver has a chance to catch up. In fizzy drinks, fruit juices and smoothies, the barrier has gone, which leads to the liver being overloaded.

Think a skinny latte will help you slim? Sorry ladies, it won’t do that but it might just make you FATTER
Stilton sales tumble as young shun the blue bits in fear of the mould
Friday Night Feast, Pippa? It took JAN MOIR until 4am on Saturday to make it! And the jellies still wobbled even more than your bottom
Also, fruit – which is how many of us get our five a day – is high in fructose, which affects blood sugar levels. Any sugar that the body doesn’t need is converted to fat – and we’re getting bigger. 
Here, Dr. Sebastian Winckler, medical director of – an online healthcare service that provides GP consultations and prescriptions – gives his verdict on the biggest sugar-sinners on the high street, showing their sugar equivalent in food and how to make a healthy swap.
His findings are eye-opening…

Pret’s orange juice contains as much sugar as 13 McVities Hobnob biscuits 
Pret’s orange juice contains as much sugar as 13 McVities Hobnob biscuits
229 calories
0.6g fat
51g sugar
13 McVities Hobnob biscuits

This drink is almost as sugary pound for pound as Coke, and it contains more calories than a can of Coke!
But because it’s juice it’s okay, right? Wrong.
Fructose sugar is found in high quantities in fruit juice and excessive consumption is a primary cause of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.
It doesn’t matter if it’s juice or Coke, concentrated liquid sugar is bad – full stop.
Not convinced? Watch the video from sugar expert Dr Robert Lustig on the science behind the body’s reaction to a glass of Orange Juice.
Pret’s orange juice is made from 100 per cent freshly squeezed oranges with no added sugar. The sugar is naturally occurring in the fruit. 
We give our customers a wide choice of products and we lead the way in food labelling so people can make informed choices about what they eat and drink.

Pret Carrot Juice: 60 calories, 0.3g fat, 5g sugar

Ribena has as much sugar as 13 Oreo cookies
Ribena has as much sugar as 13 Oreo cookies
215 calories
0g fat
52.6g sugar
13 Oreo Chocolate biscuits
Good old Ribena. Made in the UK with real blackcurrants. Healthy? No. Drinking this 500ml bottle of Ribena gives you 60 per cent of your daily amount of sugar in one hit.
As sugary as a can of Coke, and with almost 100 more calories to boot, you’d do yourself a favour by choosing a less sugary option.
Ribena offers people a choice of products including no added sugar options. 
We are continuing to develop healthier formulations of our Ribena ready to drink products, by reducing the sugars and calorie content.  
We have signed up as a partner to the government’s Public Health Responsibility Deal to demonstrate our commitment to encouraging people to eat and drink fewer calories.

DRINK THIS INSTEAD: No Added Sugar Ribena: 11 calories, 0g fat, 1.3g sugar 

This Innocent smoothie has as much sugar as 3.5 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Donuts
This Innocent smoothie has as much sugar as 3.5 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Donuts
171 calories
0.5g fat
34.3g sugar

3.5 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Donuts
This (not so) Innocent smoothie has almost 30 per cent more sugar per 100ml than Coca-Cola, and is the most sugar-rich smoothie on the market.
Don’t be fooled by the two portions of your five a day. The high fructose sugar content piles the pressure on your liver, and the fact that it’s a smoothie makes virtually no difference. 
The fibre has been so heavily pulped during the manufacturing process that the full sugar load of this smoothie is still rapidly absorbed by the body.
Recent recommendations Dr Lustig have suggested that we need to get our sugar intake down to six teaspoons for women and nine teaspoons for men. 
On that basis, this drink would deliver 100 per cent of your RDA. Not good.
Innocent smoothies are made from nothing but pure, crushed fruit and juice, with absolutely no sugar added. Our smoothies contain all the good stuff that fruit does (like fibre and vitamin C). 
As a standard 250ml serving of one of our smoothies contains two portions of fruit, (i.e. two of your 5-a-day), the sugars found in it are the same as the amount found in two portions of fruit (a banana and another portion of fruit). 

EAT THIS INSTEAD: An Apple: 95 calories, 0g fat, 19g sugar

A Burger King super size Coke has the same amount of sugar as nine Penguin Milk Chocolate Wafer Bars
A Burger King super size Coke has the same amount of sugar as nine Penguin Milk Chocolate Wafer Bars
315 calories
0g fat
79.5g sugar
9 Penguin Milk Chocolate Wafer Bars
Not all Coca Cola is created equal. This abomination from Burger King contains 50 per cent more sugar per 100ml than the same size drink from Coca Cola.
Why? It’s all in the process. This is draught Coke, made by mixing soda water with concentrated sugar syrup, which somehow manages to be even more sugary than the original!
The jury’s still out on whether diet drinks are an acceptable alternative, but in the meantime, if you have to have fizzy drinks, stick with diet.
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: Burger King had not responded to MailOnline’s enquiry before publication.

Burger King Super Size Diet Coke: 1.9 calories, 0g fat, 0g sugar

Starbucks Venti White Chocolate Mocha with Whipped Cream has as much sugar as 10 bowls of Nestle Golden Grahams
Starbucks Venti White Chocolate Mocha with Whipped Cream has as much sugar as 10 bowls of Nestle Golden Grahams
613 calories
74g sugar
25.8g fat
10 bowls of Nestle Golden Grahams

The name says it all really. This Starbucks coffee manages to pack in 74g of sugar, 613 calories and 26g of fat (a third of a woman’s recommended daily intake and a quarter of a man’s).
Let’s take a moment to absorb that…That’s a coffee with more fat than a Big Mac and more sugar than 2 cans of Coke.
To work off these calories you’ll need to  spend an hour and a half in the gym  on the bike, and you’d still have 50 more calories to work off!
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE:  We provide calories on our menu boards and nutritional information is available on our website to help customers make the choices that are right for them. 
Lower fat milk and sugar-free syrups can ensure our customers get healthier versions of the same great flavours they enjoy. 
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Filter Coffee: 5 calories, 0.1g fat, 0g sugar

Starburst Strawberry Flavour Milk has as much sugar as 11 McVities HobNobs
Starburst Strawberry Flavour Milk has as much sugar as 11 McVities HobNobs
288 calories
6.4g fat
42g sugar
11 McVities HobNob Biscuits
Don’t let the fact that this is a milk drink fool you into thinking this drink is healthy. This oversized beverage has double the sugar content of semi skimmed milk as well as a host of E number additives.
At 10.5g of sugar per 100ml, this drink is as sugary as Coke, and for a supposedly ‘school friendly’ healthy kids drink, that’s bordering on criminal.
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: ‘Our drinks are designed as a treat to be enjoyed as part of a healthy balanced lifestyle. Milk based drinks contain lactose which is a sugar naturally present in milk, and all our products have clear nutritional labelling to enable our consumers to make informed choices.”
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Semi Skimmed Milk (250ml): 123 calories, 4g fat, 12.5g sugar

Burger King’s large chocolate milkshake has as much sugar as a Tesco Finest Strawberries and Cream Tart 
Burger King’s large chocolate milkshake has as much sugar as a Tesco Finest Strawberries and Cream Tart
612 calories
12g fat
102.4g sugar
Tesco Finest Strawberries And Cream Tart (serves 4 people)
This is officially the highest sugar content drink in the UK, and the only drink to break the 100g sugar barrier to boot.
To put 100g of sugar in perspective, that’s over 20 teaspoons worth. Can you ever imagine adding that to your morning coffee?
The drink also packs a hefty calorie punch, coming in at 612 calories; the equivalent of 2 extra cheeseburgers with your meal.
To burn off the calories in this behemoth, you’d have to swim (front crawl) for over an hour!
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: Burger King had not responded to MailOnline’s enquiry before publication.
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Tesco Free From Chocolate Coconut Milk: 125 calories, 5g fat, 17g sugar

This Water Pure Squeezed Lemon & Limes has as much sugar as two Kellogg’s Chewy Marshmallow Rice Krispies Bars
This Water Pure Squeezed Lemon & Limes has as much sugar as two Kellogg’s Chewy Marshmallow Rice Krispies Bars
96 calories
0g fat
21.3g sugar
2 Kellogg’s Chewy Marshmallow Rice Krispies Bars
Imagine taking a glass of water, pouring in four teaspoons of sugar, and still calling it water…doesn’t make sense right? 
It takes the biscuit that this water is advertised as water, but only has 20 per cent less sugar than a full fat Coke.
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: This Water drinks are made from pure squeezed juices from real fruits and spring water, and sugar. 
The sugars found in our drinks are made up of the sugars in fruit juice and sucrose which is needed to ensure that our drinks taste great (without it they would taste too sharp). 
Unlike other flavoured water brands, our drinks will never contain concentrates, colourings or preservatives. The nutritional information is clearly stated on all our drinks labels.
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Water: 0 calories, 0g fat, 0g sugar 

Rockstar’s Punched Energy & Guava contains as much sugar as 20 Maryland cookies 
Rockstar’s Punched Energy & Guava contains as much sugar as 20 Maryland cookies
335 calories
0g fat
78g sugar
20 Maryland Chocolate Chip Cookies
This fruit flavoured energy drink has 40% more sugar per 100ml than Red Bull, which in turn is sugarier than Coke. Making Coke look like the good guy for once is hard, but Rockstar manages it with ease. That stack of biscuits is just under an entire pack of Maryland cookies.
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: There is an important difference between Red Bull and Rockstar Punched Energy + Guava. Rockstar Punched Energy + Guava contains fruit juice. The declared sugar content of this product includes the sugar derived from the fruit juice and is not added sugar only.
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Relentless Sugar Free: 15 calories, 0g fat, 0g sugar

Sun Grown’s Pure White Grape Juice has as much sugar as four Original Glazed Krispy Kreme Donuts
Sun Grown’s Pure White Grape Juice has as much sugar as four Original Glazed Krispy Kreme Donuts
175 calories
0g fat
42g sugar
4 Original Glazed Krispy Kreme Donuts
This fruit juice is one of the most highly concentrated sugar drinks of all the drinks we analysed.
If you’re shouting at the screen “But it’s a fruit juice”, then you’ve got it all wrong…
It doesn’t matter where the sugar comes from. 
It matters that these sugars are pounding your liver without the fruit’s natural fibres, which usually act as a barrier to stop the bombardment.
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: MailOnline could not contact Sun Grown for a response. 
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Tropicana Trop 50 Low Sugar Orange Juice: 53 calories, 0g fat, 10g sugar

Lucozade Sport Elite Orange has as much sugar as two Walls Magnum Classic Chocolate ice creams
Lucozade Sport Elite Orange has as much sugar as two Walls Magnum Classic Chocolate ice creams
195 calories
0g fat
40g sugar
2 Walls Magnum Classic Chocolate Ice Creams
We know sports drinks are supposed to contain sugars to replace what is lost through sweat. 
But this Lucozade Sports Elite prides itself on containing ’40 per cent more fuel for Matchday’.
In reality, that means more sugar, nearly 10 teaspoons of the stuff to be precise.
Drink this 500ml bottle will give you a bigger sugar hit than swilling down a can of Coke.
And don’t be fooled by the research and the elite athlete sponsorship, the most recent research on the efficacy of sports drinks (by the BMJ) shows their benefits to be patchy at best.
As a rule of thumb, unless you’re doing high intensity sport for more than an hour, water is the best thing for you.
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: Lucozade Sport Elite is specifically designed to meet the needs of serious sports people who require more fuel to meet their training or competition requirements. 
Lucozade Sport Elite is a carbohydrate-electrolyte drink and is not the same as other carbonated soft drinks. 
You need carbohydrates, electrolytes and hydration for prolonged/endurance sport and exercise and Lucozade Sport Elite helps provide these.

DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Lucozade Sport Lite: 50 calories, 0g fat, 5g sugar

Costa’s Massimo berry Cooler has as much sugar as 16 Nature Valley Oats & Honey Granola Bars
Costa’s Massimo berry Cooler has as much sugar as 16 Nature Valley Oats & Honey Granola Bars
409 calories
0.6g fat
97.1g sugar
16 Nature Valley Oats & Honey Granola Bars
See those 16 Nature Valley breakfast bars? That’s how much sugar is in this supposedly healthy looking fruit drink.
Slurp this drink down for breakfast on your way to work and you’ll have consumed 108 per cent of your RDA of sugar. 
That’s one hell of a hit on your liver, and if you’re a regular consumer of this kind of drink, whether you’re thin or fat this could be causing you all sorts of health difficulties.
Just because it’s got fruit in the name, people like you and me think it’s healthy, but the reality is this has almost as much sugar as three cans of Coke.
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: Costa takes the nutritional balance of all its food and drink very seriously. 
We have increased the quality of information available in store and online via our Costa nutritional tool ( and have carried out a lot of work, particularly in the Iced drink range to reduce calorie content with the intention to continuing to find ways to reduce fat, calories and sugar levels throughout our product offerings. 
Last year we introduced our iced-lemonades to the range, with the primo size containing less than 100 calories. Our Skinny Iced Cappuccino has fewer than 50Kcals.
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Starbucks Mango & Passion Fruit Frappucino: 157 calories, 0.1g fat, 37g sugar 

Eat’s large Mocha Chiller has as much sugar as eight Twix Caramel Slices
Eat’s large Mocha Chiller has as much sugar as eight Twix Caramel Slices
580 calories
19.1g fat
90.5g sugar
8 Twix Caramel Slices
Another coffee on the list, this time from EAT, that should come with a health warning every time it’s ordered.
This behemoth contains 90g of sugar, that’s 21 teaspoons of the white stuff, alongside 580 calories, the equivalent of a McDonalds Quarter Pounder with Cheese, and then some! 
To get the same sugar hit from Coca Cola you’d have to drink two and half cans of the Brown Doctor. Madness!
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: EAT had not responded to MailOnline’s enquiry before publication.
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Starbucks Iced Coffee Latte: 53 calories, 0.1g fat, 7.5g sugar 

For Goodness Shakes’ Milk Chocolate Sports Recovery Drink has as much sugar as 15 Tesco Ginger Nut Biscuits
For Goodness Shakes’ Milk Chocolate Sports Recovery Drink has as much sugar as 15 Tesco Ginger Nut Biscuits
315 calories
5.4g fat
50.3g sugar
15 Tesco Ginger Nut Biscuits
What could be better than a post recovery protein drink? Quite a few things, actually! 
Sugar wise, this drink is only a fraction less sugary than Coke, but coming in such a large size, it manages to give you over 50g of sugar, more than half an adult’s daily amount in one hit.
This sports drink also has more calories than a Mars Bar. 
On top of that, according to Goodness Shakes, if you have a particularly hard training session, you should drink two of them!
Unless you’re training seriously hard, we’d recommend you stick with milk or water. 
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE: For Goodness Shakes had not responded to MailOnline’s enquiry before publication.
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Semi Skimmed Milk (250ml): 123 calories; 4g fat; 12.5g sugar

The Starbucks Venti Soy Vanilla Spice Hot Chocolate has as much sugar as five Kellogg’s strawberry Pop Tarts
The Starbucks Venti Soy Vanilla Spice Hot Chocolate has as much sugar as five Kellogg’s strawberry Pop Tarts
540 calories
7g fat
80g sugar
5 Kellogg’s Strawberry Pop Tarts
You know when you’re ordering a large hot chocolate that it’s an indulgence, but is it really fair of Starbucks to take it this far?
Guzzling down the 80g of sugar in this drink is equivalent to munching that stack of Strawberry Pop Tarts, generally considered to be one of the unhealthiest breakfasts ever produced.
Drinking this sugary monstrosity jacks your blood sugar up and results in strain on your liver and kidneys, the creation of new fat molecules and perhaps worst of all, the sugar lull after the initial hit makes you want to eat more!
MANUFACTURER’S RESPONSE:. We provide calories on our menu boards and nutritional information is available on our website to help customers make the choices that are right for them. 
Lower fat milk and sugar-free syrups can ensure our customers get healthier versions of the same great flavours they enjoy. 
DRINK THIS INSTEAD: Starbucks Classic Hot Chocolate: 155 calories, 6.4g fat, 17.2g sugar

For more information on Dr Ed, visit:

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Protein Pow: Protein PIZZA

Protein Pow: Protein PIZZA:

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Showing posts with label Protein PIZZAShow all posts

A Fig, Goats Cheese, and Proscuitto Sweet Potato Pizza

Butternut, Açai, Hemp, Superveg and Feta Cheese Protein Pizza

A traditional pizza base is made out of primarily white flour +  yeast + oil +/- milk or water +/- sugar. Nutritionally speaking, it delivers pretty much the same goodness that a slice of good old fashioned white bread does which is… not much. A traditional pizza base is mostly simple carbs, often contains sugar, and packs pretty much no vitamins or minerals to speak of. This pizza base right here though? It’s a revolution 😉 it contains superveg (a powder made out of garlic, onion, beetroot and ten other different veggies), açai berries, hemp protein, butternut squash and… an egg 😀

A Superveggie Based Protein Pizza Recipe

I opened an Instagram account a couple of days ago. Are you on it? If so, add me! My username on it is proteinpow and my plan is to upload all sorts of healthy food pics and recipes on there – of the protein powdered AND protein powderless variety – ftw. One of the first photos I uploaded on Instagram was a photo of this protein pizza. Oh, protein pizzas, how great thou art! Full of surprises and flavorful twists and turns! There is an an infinite array of bases that can be made and oh! pizza toppings? Zeus be damned if there’s a limit to what one can do there…

Jerusalem Artichoke Protein Pizza with Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Mushroom and Onion

The last time I made a protein pizza base using Jerusalem Artichokes was when I wrote a guest post for Lori’s awesome blog (here). I really enjoy making protein pizza bases (as you can tell from all the ones I’ve made here) because they’re super easy and can be tailored to tick all of one’s favorite taste-boxes. I’m actually kind of a sucker for pizza so the idea of being able to make a healthy version – packed with protein, veggies, and a full KAPOW of deliciousness, well, it makes me smile big time :-))))

An Almond and Quinoa Based Protein Pizza

Do you want to know secret behind a great protein pizza? A great protein pancake. 😉 Yup. It’s that simple. To make a great protein pizza, all you need to do is this: make an ultra-bready and extra-delicious protein pancake, add a base of tomato to it (it can be a homemade sauce or, if you’re feeling lazy or are in a hurry, plain old tomato paste) + your toppings of choice + cheese +/- herbs/spices, grill it for five minutes and BOOOOM! ready to munch with gusto 😀

Protein Pizza with a Pumpkin Base

I… have a weak spot for games and this recipe was the result of one so I love it even more. Granted, it wasn’t a game-game, I just asked a bunch of you guys on facebook to choose today’s recipe and this a pizza with a pumpkin base the winner! My name is Anna and I love playing with food 😉 Welcome to this pizza, a close relation tomy sweet potato pizza. Let me now say a few things about it. The crunchiness of the outer crust was outstaaaaanding (notice picture numero tres). Also, the topping! Ah, topping it with cheddar + cottage cheese was such a good call because it reduced the fat content of the pizza while maintaining taste and nommmmmmmmness of it all! Voici la recette:

Ingredients (for the pizza base) – blended together and baked on a nonstick cookie tray at 150 C (302 F) for ~ 35 minutes (basically, until golden and cooked throughout):
1/2 cup of pumpkin puree
1/2 cup of egg whites
1/8 cup of chickpea flour (you could sub this with oat flour or buckwheat)
1/8 cup of pea protein (I do think it’s optional but it added a nice extra flavor dimension)
1 tbsp of ground almonds
2 tbsp of nutritional yeast (optional but, again, it added a great uhmph factor)
2 tsbp of oat flour (you could just ground some oats instead though)
1 tsp of sea salt
2 tsp of dried basil
2 tsp of dried oregano
That’s it. Two individual-sized pizza bases came out of the above mix (~ 7 inches in diameter). I let them cool and proceeded to top each one with 2 tbsp of cheddar + 2 tbsp of tomato pure +2 tbsp of cottage cheese + 2 tsp of dried thyme + 2 tsp of dried basil + 2 tsp of olive oil (which I drizzled around the pizza, on the edges, so it’d crunch-crunch in style). Result? Yummmm!
Macros per pizza base, without toppings because, really, you can add whatever you want on top (e.g. like a whole bunch of low/er fat cheese, mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, spinach, etc, etc, etc): 166.7kcals, 16g protein, 18g carb (4.5g sugars), 3.6g fat (0.3g sat) and 6g fiber!

Cauliflower Super Protein Mini Pizzas

Have you guys seen Erika’s Great Pizza Experiment? it’s one of my favorite posts ever. After reading it, I realized the possibilities are endless for protein pizza bases. I made some Jerusalem Artichoke Protein Pizza as a guest post for Lori (check it outhere) and have since experimented with different ideas (like my egg white pizza here and the goat protein one here). One of the most awesome recipes, using cauliflower, is this onethough. Ever since I saw it, I’ve kind of had cauliflower stuck in my head as one of the best ingredients for a great pizza base (mostly because I think, being so mild and fantastic with cheese, cauliflower lends itself nicely to pizza bases). So, I bought some cauliflower, steamed it, and headed over to the gym. When I got back, I blended the cauli with egg whites + pea protein + coconut flour and pancake-fried it into three patties. Then, I added the toppings and grilled them for about five mins. That was it.
Pizza Base Ingredients – blended together and panfried into 3 patties (you could always just make one giant one but it’s going to be harder to flip):
3 big heads of cauliflower (cooked) (284g)
4 egg whites (164g)
1/4 cup of pea protein (30g)
1 tbsp of coconut flour (11g)
1 tbsp tomato paste (7g)
1/8 cup of mature cheddar (10g) (or, of course, mozzarella)
The result was a soft pizza base. I was able to eat it by hand but it was still kind of mushy. Looking back on it, I realize it might have benefited from some wheatbran or oats or quinoa flakes or, well, something to dry it up a bit. That being said, I LOVED! it! I felt the flavors really complimented each other and, together, delivered one hell of a BOOOOM to the system. Also, the whole thing was ridiculously high protein, low carb (and hiiiigh fiber) and, compared with the ‘original’ cauli pizza, a lot lower in fat too :-))) Try it ;-)))))
Macros per 3 mini pizzas with toppings et al: 364kcals, 52g protein, 19g carbo (6.4g sugars), 7.5g fat (4g sat) and 11g fiber.

An Accidental Protein Pizza

Allow me to come clean: I was planning on just making a wrap. Yeah, not a pizza. Yeah. See, as my ‘wrap’ was cooking on the nonstick, I flipped it, and thought “hmmmm, this is looking a bit… funny” because it was turning out kind of bready and not wrap-like enough. That’s when, after looking at it some more, I thought “to the wind with the wrap” and the idea kind of all fell together. What was it? It was just 1/2 cup of egg whites + 1/4 cup of pea protein. Yuhoo. That’s it. I blended it together, cooked it like a pancake at low heat, put it on the grill,added some toppings, and grilled it. The base wasn’t (obviously, given the ingredients) bready enough but the edges were nice and crispy. If I had meant to make a pizza, I would have added some buckwheat flour to the above. However, it WAS pretty much all protein and fun to fold in half and munch so :-)))) Now, my topping is kind of a wack topping to most people but I LOVE it (as you may be able to tell from previous posts I have a thing for the mackerel + mango combo). My whole topping was just 2 tbsp of tomato paste + 1 forked-apart mackerel fillet + a slice of sliced up mango. I topped the whole thing with a grated slice of Wensleydale cheese (which is one hell of a mmmm-!-delicious sharp cheese from Wensleydale, North Yorkshire, England). That’s it. Macros per base = 139.8kcals, 3.3g carbo (1.2g sugar), 29g protein, 1.1g fat and no fiber. Plus my funky topping = 480kcals, 16g carbo, 50g protein, 24g fat and 1.5g fiber. So… yeah, next time you also happen to end up with a not-soft-enough wrap or pancake, well, consider pizzaing it too 😉

Fiorentina Pizza on Goat Whey Protein

The egg on top is there to signal that this was breakfast 😉 No, it’s a Fiorentina, my favorite kind of pizza… maybe next to a Hawaiian. I’m going to come clean and admit that this was an accident. I was trying to make crepes (ha!) and realized they were turning to pizza bases (can one say too much flour μήπως?hehe). It was just 60g of egg white, 19g of goat whey, 6g of pea, 5g of nutritional yeast and 25g of buckwheat flour) cooked actually on a nonstick. I let it sit overnight because I wanted it for breakfast and when the time came, I just topped it with tomato+garlic paste (I could say it was because I’m lazy – and sometimes, sure – but in truth I quite like using it for pizzas) + cooked spinach + mushrooms + 25g of mozarella. As it was cooking, I breached the pizza’s privacy to crack an egg on top and grilled the whole thing (aka broiled it). Result? Well, it had that goat-cheesiness to it that I really liked. It turned out crunchy and quite nice. The only thing I think I should have done was to add a whole egg to the pizza base but that aside, yuuum. Now, stats. The whole pizza base was: 228kcals, 30g protein, 25g carb (4g fiber) and 2.5g fat. Now, throw some eggs and cheese whatever else you like on there and start playing around with the stats 🙂

Protein Jerusalem Artichoke Pizza Base with a Mushroom/Cheese/Quorn Topping

Lori from me to do a guest post in her really cool blog (!!!!) so the recipe for this lives over there! Thanks Lori!! This is one happy pizza 🙂 –>